View Full Version : PLEASE REASURANCE needed is this just a panic attack ?? PLEASE HELP

15-04-11, 07:30
I woke up about 5am had some toast eat fine then about 6am I had some choc digestives then 3piece of chocolate toberlone (choc always kicks my ibs off don't no y I touch it as I no what happens to my belly next) anyway I ate it then 7am I was just sitting on the chair looking out the window then I felt my stomach start to feel that tight swollen bloated feeling coming on which I always get from choc :( anyway my neg mind started chatting and next minuts I went all light headed, dizzy and my whole body starting in my back went red hot and all tingles like I was on fire my heart is now pounding I can't calm down is this just a bad panic attack because I was freaking out about my ibs kicking off over the chocolate cos as soon as I ate it my negative mind started working over time!! Now I've calmed down a bit to what I was but I feel extremly drained and wanna go asleep ???
So what is wrong with me why did I go scorching hot and then drained were I cud just drop off to sleep have u had this ??

15-04-11, 09:25
Oh poor you, does sound like panic.
I have read a few time that chocolate is not very good for anxiety so maybe that's what kicked it off? I think sugar is also bad xxx

15-04-11, 09:51
Oh poor you, does sound like panic.
I have read a few time that chocolate is not very good for anxiety so maybe that's what kicked it off? I think sugar is also bad xxx

I have the worse sweet tooth and whenever I eat choc well first thing of a morning I go right into panic and it kicks off my IBS & my stomach bloats right up I just don't learn well I will now xx

15-04-11, 10:17
Aww bless ya, I have more of a craving for crisps! and lots of them lol.

I think it's because chocolate is a stimulant or something like that xxx

15-04-11, 11:10
I think you answered your own question, Honeypie. You ate chocolate, which sets off your IBS. Then you panicked when you started to feel the symptoms of IBS.

Chocolate does have caffeine in it, and that can trigger anxiety, so it's worth bearing that in mind.

I know you've been offered an endoscopy by your GP, do you think it might be an idea to see the gastroenterologist, so you can find some ways to deal with the symptoms and maybe put your mind at rest? I've always avoided going, as, like you, I really don't fancy an endoscopy, but I'm going to have one now (well, I've got to lol). It's preferable to feeling crap all the time for me, if it can give me some answers!

15-04-11, 12:50
I think you answered your own question, Honeypie. You ate chocolate, which sets off your IBS. Then you panicked when you started to feel the symptoms of IBS.

Chocolate does have caffeine in it, and that can trigger anxiety, so it's worth bearing that in mind.

I know you've been offered an endoscopy by your GP, do you think it might be an idea to see the gastroenterologist, so you can find some ways to deal with the symptoms and maybe put your mind at rest? I've always avoided going, as, like you, I really don't fancy an endoscopy, but I'm going to have one now (well, I've got to lol). It's preferable to feeling crap all the time for me, if it can give me some answers!

i dont see the point in having it done as 1. my symptoms are more all just sitting on top of my pubic bone which the endoscopy wont see that far down and 2. i really dont wanna put myself through that just to be told i have acid or nothing more x

15-04-11, 13:15
If chocolate aggrevates you why eat it?

I love Orange Juice but really can't have it at all now as it upsets my Crohn's.

So I avoid it at all costs

You are going to have to take some responsibility for your own health here and if chocolate makes you feel bad then don't eat it.

If you really want tests then it would be a colonoscopy maybe you needed but your diet is pretty bad so I would get on top of that first before anything else.

15-04-11, 13:30
That's a bit like saying why smoke if it makes you feel bad lol!

I used to smoke and felt awful but I still loved it :)

15-04-11, 13:44
But if you know something upsets you and you still take it then you only have yourself to blame - as long as you learn from these mistakes then that is a good thing.

15-04-11, 14:58
Hi Honeyple
Yes it was a panic attack brought on by your negative thinking
I have said to you before to leave the chocolate of but you still keep eating it
Hope you are okay know.
I also agree with Nicole that you should ask for a colonospy and that would put your mind at rest.


15-04-11, 23:01
If chocolate aggrevates you why eat it?

I love Orange Juice but really can't have it at all now as it upsets my Crohn's.

So I avoid it at all costs

You are going to have to take some responsibility for your own health here and if chocolate makes you feel bad then don't eat it.

If you really want tests then it would be a colonoscopy maybe you needed but your diet is pretty bad so I would get on top of that first before anything else.

i no i just don't learn but am usually ok with toberlone there is certain chocolate that i wont eat i can usually eat & eat it and feel fine then sometimes its send me into that hot horrible sickly feeling i have never felt like that before just to go scorching red hot and all pins and needles all mainly in my back and it really freaked me out didnt no that was a panic attack and light headed ????

15-04-11, 23:02
Hi Honeyple
Yes it was a panic attack brought on by your negative thinking
I have said to you before to leave the chocolate of but you still keep eating it
Hope you are okay know.
I also agree with Nicole that you should ask for a colonospy and that would put your mind at rest.


thanks joan :) i am going to ask my doctor for one next time i go but knowing the results will just be IBS :weep:

15-04-11, 23:05
That is good though that it is only IBS - you need to see a dietician really to help work out what you can and can't eat.

It could be worse - I have Crohn's disease and IBS lol

16-04-11, 15:58
But if you know something upsets you and you still take it then you only have yourself to blame - as long as you learn from these mistakes then that is a good thing.

how can i STOP the cravings then as am craving chocolate all day and night as i have had a bad sweet tooth ever since i can remember even when i eat it some days i just wanna carry on eating i dont no what it is but lately even after i have eaten i just still feel hungry and wanna eat & eat

16-04-11, 17:36
The Citalopram will give you sugar cravings Honey ..Also IBS CAN also make you feel constantly hungry .Eat fresh healthy food and stop eating choclate and biscuits ..Too many of those will do you no good and can make you sick ,especially chocolate .That will also cause heart palpitations due to the caffeine .Too much salt will do the same so dont eat salty crisps .The only way to get your IBS UNDER CONTROL IS to eat a healthy diet .Have you read the IBS PAGE on here ?It tells you what to avoid and what to eat .Being anxious as you are all the time will only keep the IBS Active .As for feeling hungry ,eat as much good stuff as you like you will be ok .T/c Sue x:hugs:

16-04-11, 19:10
The Citalopram will give you sugar cravings Honey ..Also IBS CAN also make you feel constantly hungry .Eat fresh healthy food and stop eating choclate and biscuits ..Too many of those will do you no good and can make you sick ,especially chocolate .That will also cause heart palpitations due to the caffeine .Too much salt will do the same so dont eat salty crisps .The only way to get your IBS UNDER CONTROL IS to eat a healthy diet .Have you read the IBS PAGE on here ?It tells you what to avoid and what to eat .Being anxious as you are all the time will only keep the IBS Active .As for feeling hungry ,eat as much good stuff as you like you will be ok .T/c Sue x:hugs:

i just cant help it sue i get an urge ti eat & i grab crap well choc as i crave it so much but i have always been this way since little but i no what you mean about choc & anxiety don't do no good well i only have 1 bar a day somedays none but have the cravings all the time xx
but i am going to stock up on fruit to try that as i have never been one for eating fruit or veg

16-04-11, 20:20
Aww bless ya, I have more of a craving for crisps! and lots of them lol.

I think it's because chocolate is a stimulant or something like that xxx

crisp usually hurt my stomach depending what crisp they are.,.. are you ok with crisp how do you cope with your cravings ??