View Full Version : If i was going to die, i would know about by now, right?

15-04-11, 09:03
Ive had my anxiety for nearly two years and for those 2 years my main fear is that im about to die! ive just about overcome the rest of my anxiety but i cant seem to shake this fear off that everynight i go to sleep i wont wake up again and then i do wake up and i think oh good thats one more day im alive!

But it doesnt help, i dont want to be thankful for being alive every single day because its all i think about. surely if my fears were correct and i was about to die i would have died by now after two years of thinking it wouldnt i?! or at least i would be poorly?! but i dont feel poorly, sometimes i tired but thats it and i have two young children so its expectedbeing tired sometimes. but i cant shake off this feeling that im going to die any day now and its really getting to me!

15-04-11, 09:14
Also why does anxiety make you think you can predict your own death?! thats what my anxiety does, it makes me think i will die and i convince myself it must be right. how do i stop this?

If i didnt have a massive fear of doctors i would probably go and demand a full helath check to confirm im ok but i cant do that and i probably wouldnt believe them anyway!

15-04-11, 09:23
The silly thing is i have just been looking at symptoms checkers to see if im poorly but i have no symptoms so i cant do them! surely to a normal person that would say theres nothing wrong, but to me? no it doesnt lol

15-04-11, 10:06
No ones replying! lol ive gone mad havent i?!

15-04-11, 11:07
No you've not gone mad. Even though my anxiety is controlled now, I still get this. I fear that I'll just drop dead, I feel like I'm walking on egg shells and when I wake up, like you, I sometimes think 'ah another day'.

Sometimes I'll lie in bed and be afraid to go asleep because I fear I won't wake up. I feel like my life can just slip away if I don't almost keep an eye on it!!! I know exactly how you feel and all I've been doing to deal with it is just pushing on and trying to keep busy but it's hard. I don't want to go by life and wake up each day thankful either as it's no way to live. Appreciating that your alive is one thing but everyday, no thanks! Have no idea as to how to get over this but just wanted to tell you you're not alone.


15-04-11, 11:20
hi defo not amd if you are sighn me in to the hospital with you cos i am the same as you.

i think im going to drop dead all the time noight times are the worst i dont sleep cos when i try i feel my breathing and over anayl;ise it and end up anxious may even panicking.

i too wont say to myself things like..."oo well stuff it if im going to die im going toi die" or anthing like that for fear my body will say o ok then see ya.

i amnaylise my body sometimes im can mange it other days im bad depending on the symptomx

i have had this fear on and off since 2003 still alive lol and yes i agree surley we would no by now? but it doesnt shake the feeling thing we just need to except that the chances of that happening are like 1 in a million xxx

15-04-11, 11:51
Oh my God you have no idea how relieved i feel to know im not alone, obviously im not glad you two feel like this as well but it is nice to hear im not the only one!

It drives me mad, i hate it. everyday seems like im fighting for survival with my own mind!

Scaredstiff695- i am the same, i wont tell myself oh well if i die i die because i think my body will say ok then off you go! its daft isnt it because even we know that we cant kill ourselves through thought, if we could we would be millionaires! but its frightening.

Ella-jayne - i too feel like im always keeping an eye on it! i do try to push through it and im fine if im busy but as soon as i sit down and have a clear mind the thoughts pop up and freak me out again!!

15-04-11, 11:59
My two main fears were this, dying, and going blind! i went to my optician and had an eye test to be told my eyes were actually getting better!! i explained to her my fears so she told me in great detail all about eye diseases and how i have a zero percent chance of going blind and as soon as she said that i burst into tears, thanked her and have had no fear of going blind since! infact i can wear eye make up again, i couldnt before because i thought id get an infection and go blind but she completely got rid of my fear.

Maybe i should just bite the bullet and go to the gp and ask for a health check, maybe that would end my fear, but i have a fear of doctors so that will be fighting two fears in one go which willl stop me doing it!!

its a pain cos its only this fear that my anxiety has left me with now but obviously it involves anything to do with health so not only is it a fear of dying its also a fear of having cancer and dying ect ect

It annoys me because i love my life, granted it has its hardships and troubles and somedays it feels like all im doing is making good of a bad situation but im happy, i love my family and i think that scares me too, leaving my family, if i had no one to look after maybe i wouldnt be so scared of dying, i dont know. all i know is, i refuse to put up with this for much longer, i will get rid of this, i just dont quite know how at the moment!!

15-04-11, 12:08
Your definately not alone, I have had this feeling many times. It is a common symptom of anxiety and panic disorder - feeling of imminent death.

For the answer of how to stop it read: Self Help for your Nerves - Dr Claire Weekes.

15-04-11, 12:22
Your definately not alone, I have had this feeling many times. It is a common symptom of anxiety and panic disorder - feeling of imminent death.

For the answer of how to stop it read: Self Help for your Nerves - Dr Claire Weekes.

Ooh thank you, i will have a read of it, i'll try anything that could help!! xx

15-04-11, 12:48
Thats funny - I fear going blind as well.
The thought of not being able to see anything and being permanently confined to darkness to me is THE scareiest thing imaginable. Worse than death for me. Especially when I'm going to bed, I have this fear as my eyes are adjusting to the dark.
You fear things that are inescapable and dark. Now you need to work out why, and then work out how to confront your fear.