View Full Version : scared emetophobe

15-04-11, 14:29
Hi everyone, i'm really scared at the moment.

My dad has Alzheimer's disease and this morning he collapsed at day care and was rushed to hospital with very low blood pressure. Things weren't looking good but the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him and they suggested it was just the Alzheimer's attacking his motor functions or a combination of his tablets.
I'm freaking out now though because he was sick this morning at the hospital and he has just been brought home and has been sick again.
I cannot cope with sick full stop, whether its me or someone else.
I'm scared he has a bug which will spread round the house as he won't stay in one place. He will spread germs everywhere. He is just sick where ever he is and there is no warning.
I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house.

I'm sitting here with my headphones in because i'm terrified of the sound. I don't want to leave my room but i will have to incase i need the toilet or something :(!

Could use some support xxx

15-04-11, 15:38
Hi everyone, i'm really scared at the moment.

My dad has Alzheimer's disease and this morning he collapsed at day care and was rushed to hospital with very low blood pressure. Things weren't looking good but the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him and they suggested it was just the Alzheimer's attacking his motor functions or a combination of his tablets.
I'm freaking out now though because he was sick this morning at the hospital and he has just been brought home and has been sick again.
I cannot cope with sick full stop, whether its me or someone else.
I'm scared he has a bug which will spread round the house as he won't stay in one place. He will spread germs everywhere. He is just sick where ever he is and there is no warning.
I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house.

I'm sitting here with my headphones in because i'm terrified of the sound. I don't want to leave my room but i will have to incase i need the toilet or something :(!

Could use some support xxx

Hi HelenLouise hope your ok and have calmed down a bit now ??
am like you emetophobic and freak at the thought of vomiting but as you said your dad has Alzheimer's disease and collapsed this morning maybe this is why he is now bein sick and so if he has a bug it don't mean you will catch it you can only catch a bug if you actually touch the sick its self or it splashes in your face you have to understand your dad is not well with his Alzheimer's so his meds and the fact he collapsed could of caused him now to be unwell hang in there i have four children who come home with all kinds of bugs etc from school so i no how you are feeling xx

15-04-11, 17:29
Gosh, I know how you're feeling, I would be just the same. I am nervous at the moment because my boyfriend's nephew's children have got a stomach bug, and last night he went round to see his sister (the grandma of the sick kids) who had been at the house with them all day. So even though he didn't have any direct contact with anyone actually ill, I am still nervous that somehow he will bring the bug into our house. Like you, I am totally petrified of these things - you're being really brave.
I think it's quite likely that he's being sick because of his illness - my dad is sometimes sick 'just because', and no one else around him gets it. He is elderly too, like your dad. It's quite likely that the sickness is to do with his collapse. I really do sympathise - I know exactly how you're feeling.
I hope your dad is better soon, and that you are fine too. xx

15-04-11, 17:33

I have emetephobia as well so know how you are feeling. I also agree with the previous two posters and the fact that it is likely he is being sick due to his poor health and not due to a sickness bug.
Try not think about it too much xxx

17-04-11, 22:39
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Everything has calmed down now! He has stopped being sick. Hopefully it wasn't a bug.

Hope everyones ok xxx