View Full Version : TMJ and anxiety

15-04-11, 16:34
Hi all. Was at doctor today as for last 2 weeks have had pain in my jaw/left hand side of head and back of neck and bad pain when chewing on left side. Also have quite watery eyes. The doctor said it sounded like TMJ and prescribed nurofen 400mg, one three times a day and a cream to rub into sore area. I also feel quite dizzy, you know that horrible feeling of unreality. In Tesco today I got quite panicky, dont know if it was because it was packed, all the bright lights, loud music playing, also hadnt eaten so quite weak with shaky legs. All afternoon I've felt really tired and shaky and a bit panicky. Ive a busy weekend ahead, relatives staying, a play to go too, working sat and sun and a date sun night. All I want to do is go to bed and sleep. I do suffer with anxiety and have been under a lot of stress but you know yourself, when you feel like this reassurance helps and I could do with some now. Thanks for reading. x

15-04-11, 18:04
I also feel quite dizzy, you know that horrible feeling of unreality. In Tesco today I got quite panicky, dont know if it was because it was packed, all the bright lights, loud music playing, also hadnt eaten so quite weak with shaky legs. All afternoon I've felt really tired and shaky and a bit panicky.

I know that feeling sooo well. Well described.

I had TMD too, it can really be awful and it increases in pain when you are stressed. Just keep going and it will get better. You never feel bad forever.

15-04-11, 18:47
Thanks for that Loopy. Funny, but when I cancelled going to the play tonight I immediately started to feel better. I think I take too much on by myself and then get stressed that I can't cope with it all. I'm a single working mum of 2 teenagers so that in itself is stressful :-)

16-04-11, 18:01
I think stress really does increase anxiety (and pain). Good that you recognise it and try to make things easier on yourself. After my latest bout with H/A I am really going to try to get back to a positive place by modifying my lifestyle. Good luck xo