View Full Version : palpitations i so hate them!!!

15-04-11, 18:20
hi, sometimes during working out i get palpitations and ectopics, they scare me and i end up having to cut my session short which i do not want but feel i have to incase i drop down dead :mad: are these normal during working out? i panic then which makes them worse. anybody else afraid of palps? and how do they over come the fear, im dreading tmrw already in case it happens again :weep:

15-04-11, 21:49
God I hate them too - they scare me sooo much! but Ive had to accept that im fine - (as I keep being told) when we get anxious/panicking it causes the blood to pump faster as you know we take in more carbon dioxide because we dont breathe correctly - we cause the palps unfortunately! When I get one now, I try not to panick straight away but just let it go, do my breathing etc then carry on - and think 5 mins later hang on im still here - im ok! then just move on...its hard but really try to focus on not fearing the worst (easier said then done I know) I cant really comment re: the exercise thing as I choose not to do anything like that much at the mo as Im petrified if I do! so your one step ahead of me and I used to be so active once upon atime dancing and stuff I miss it! just think of what you put above- what happened and then think logically,your ok now right and still here right so why stop doing what you enjoy?

15-04-11, 21:53
Is an ectopic when your heart miss,s a beat , then beats faster ??

I get these after straining lifting at work , always had them .

Never really panicked over them as i,ve had them for 20 years .

15-04-11, 22:59
I suffer with ectopics. I seem to go through fases when they are almost gone then come back really bad. I have them bad at th moment. I seem to get them or at least notice them when i sit down in the evenings. They worry the hell out of me even though i've been checked out!! They feel horrible and i find it hard to control my worry about them. I try and tell myself they wont hurt me and that lots of people get them. It's very hard when its happening though as you probably know. I've been getting them about 4 years now and i just want to be able to accept they happen and are harmless but the worry just makes them worse. Having health anxiety makes it a whole lot worse too.
Hope you get some answers your looking for. I do wish there was a magic cure, i really do x

15-04-11, 23:18
thanks for the replies! i really do not want the fear to take over what i enjoy doing everyday, if that was to happen it wud mean im letting my fear win and i dont want that at all. yes im still here lol :) but at the time when its happening u think THIS IS IT IM A GONNER its awful, very nasty sensation. it usually happens when i dont warm up before my cardio for 30 mins or if i start out really fast. could be drinking tea alot too, i should try cut back. im going to try start again as normal tmrw, even tho the minute i start ill be thinking of getting palpitations, no doub :mad: ill try my very best anyway. wish me look lol i do need it, dont wanna let this HA beat me again espec at something i like doing!