View Full Version : outside the comfort zone

jaded jean
15-04-11, 18:37
How many of us has gone back to work after a fairly long period of time off,? Start back on a phased in return -ok- stay on the same work until changes depict otherwise . You are enjoying your work before the changes you are comfortable in yourself - you are confident you are liking your job. So why is it I cannot handle the change??
I have been back at work for9 months. I am a community warden. I have two visiting areas taken off me and given just one in place of them . Good you might think a fair swap but this new area is 18 miles away- really out of my comfort zone, I have persuaded 2 work colleagues to drive me there on 2 occasions.
I still cant face having to go there again next week . Of course my new tenants are wonderful but I just cannot handle it . I dont know what I can do or say in case my manager does not think I am up to the job any suggestions please?????:yahoo::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

17-04-11, 09:12
Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie,,

Of COURSE you can handle it!!! You have handled EVERYTHING that has been thrown at you ever since Anxiety came to visit!! Yes, everything!. This is what Anxiety IS: It's ANTICIPATORY FEAR. It's the "What IF" fear. We fret and worry about what WILL HAPPEN every single time and yet when push comes to shove...WE HANDLE IT.

So my advice??? Be Jeanie, that wonderfully strong woman I know and love. Accept and acknowledge that you (and I and thousands of others) have a bit of software in our heads which doesn't work well in these situations. We ANTICIPATE things that could go wrong and we feel the fear that others reserve for when things DO go wrong!! It's OK. It doesn't mean you are a failure or an idiot or a raving looney!! It just means that you are worse BEFORE THE FACT. But look back and acknowledge that when it comes to it... YOU COPE!!!!!!!
Tell me ONE time when you DIDN'T cope eh???????
So, go forth and... be scared but remember IT IS JUST THOUGHTS. JUST THOUGHTS. NOT FACTS.
You can do 18 miles Jeanie. trust me after a month you will be saying: wtf was I worried about?????

GO babe GO
Suz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jaded jean
17-04-11, 09:40
I love you Suzanna corfu:hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-04-11, 11:33
I love ya more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jaded jean
17-04-11, 18:18
ell I have spent most of the weekend psyching myself up for which ordinarily will just be a chat and hopefully changes made if not I will have to bite the bullet!!!

jaded jean
20-04-11, 06:37
I got the change to said problem area, next day tho another colleague says she wont be able to fit it in with her work time as she is only part time too, so we are having another meeting just between ourselves to thrash it out . Its so sad all I wanted was somewhere near my area to visit but its getting difficult. fingers crossed that we come up with something:shrug: