View Full Version : Swine flu - what's happening?

15-04-11, 19:28
Hi all,

Does anyone know what is the current situation with Swine Flu? Is it still killing people? I'm really worried about it at the moment and could really do with some reassurance and actual facts regarding what's happening...

Please help?!:weep::weep::weep:

15-04-11, 19:40
Well put it this way when I went for my flu jab they said they are not doing the swine flu jabs now so I guess it has fizzled out!

15-04-11, 20:13
The swine flu vaccine is in the standard flu jab now so there is no need for a separate one. I had mine in November, this is the first year I can remember that I've not had a single cold.

15-04-11, 21:13
Well I asked whether it was in there and she said only a tiny amount but nothing like they used to give.

15-04-11, 21:58
But that is still a precaution isn't it. Does that mean there isn't any swine flu around or less or less deadly?

15-04-11, 22:00
Not sure to be honest but it is hardly mentioned now

Why are you so worried?

15-04-11, 22:05
I got the combined jag in October last year. I have been in bed since Monday with "Flu type B" apparently. The vaccination covers flu type A according to NHS 24. I've not felt this ill in years! After four days I knew it was flu as I've had it before. I only usually get a cold/sore throat, sometimes a chest infection but then I've got asthma.

I think I'm starting to feel a bit better but it has set my anxiety and agraphobia back a bit.:unsure:

15-04-11, 23:01
I was told I had a chest infection on wednesday, I just feel really terrible. My daughter is unwell too, it's just one of those things I am fixated on, that, and brain tumours and blood clots.

15-04-11, 23:51
I got "whatever I've got" from my sister. She said it's the worst she's felt for years too. She doesn't normally get the flu jag but she got it in October cos she was pregnant. I get it every year cos i've got asthma.

I sympathise and hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

18-04-11, 09:43
I can probably help out with this, as part of my job is related to contingency planning. There was some swine flu (H1N1) about during the winter, which is why it was included in the seasonal flu vaccine which a lot of people got. Pregnant women were also recommended to get the vaccine as they're at a higher risk than the rest of the population.

However, we're now past the flu season in this part of the world, and there are very few cases of it around at the moment. Swine flu will probably come and go in the wintertime for the next couple of years, but it will get less common as other flu viruses develop.

So, do try not to worry about it, it's now pretty uncommon. If you're still anxious about it in the autumn, get yourself vaccinated as it gives a good level of protection.