View Full Version : Burning Mouth/Tounge PLEASE

15-04-11, 21:06
My whole mouth and tounge feel irritated like I burned them, i GOOGLED and now have bunring mouth syndrome, going crazy crazy. ANyone ever have this, i can not stop obsessing. Any advice ......

15-04-11, 21:11
Yeah very common - Diane07 on here has this too.

15-04-11, 21:14
Really I am at rock bottom again, i was doing so well even went off my meds, then phantom dental & gum pain, no reason but began the cycle now this. I feel like I al never going to get over this. And some how i jsut cant even convience myself it is not soemthing serious or soemthing that will never go away.

15-04-11, 21:32
Her post is here:


There are a couple of other posts too that you can search for using the search facility

15-04-11, 21:50
Hi Shanlynn

One of the other posts was mine ... and Diane07 kindly replied and gave me info.


I just checked and did not update my orig post (I normally try to..sorry) but basically dr said he thought tongue had a bit of coating so gave me meds for oral thursh, but reassured me nothing sinister going on.

I never took the meds and my symptoms went away as quickly as they came, so def think could also be anxiety. It is what frustrates me the most ... I never know if anxiety or real symptom because it always presents as a real symptom :( I was convinced I had burning mouth syndrome.

I'd go and see dr or dentist to put mind at rest (if you are like me, I have come to realise I don't rest until I go...and just dither and stress until I do go). My coping with ha is to go and get checked and to just try not to obsess but go with what dr says .

Hope sorted soon xx

15-04-11, 22:01
OHHHH reading her posts makes me more worried, since it seems like she still has it yrs later. I cant handle that AGHHHHHHH. Of course I could handle it I have had other symptoms stay but i do not want that to be the case.
So flum, yours came and went type of thing? That is what I am praying for. I tend to get lingering symptoms and this one is really annoying/scaring me. Did you just ignore it and it passed? Why o why o why o did i ever google.
PS i have an obsession with mouth related fears.

15-04-11, 22:13
Hi Shanlynn, I was going through mouth related anxiety - read something on oral cancer and alcohol :( and off I went .... over several months...

I've had visible lumps on dangly down bit at back of throat, the usual swallowing issues/lump in throat feeling, burning tongue and lump on gumline. All have turned out to be nothing. Please don't google... it never helps.. trust me!

Yes my tongue issue went within a day or so of being told all ok. I told dr what I was frightened of, both burning mouth and the big C. He said he was not denying I might being having symptom but at worse case a touch of mild thrush. Once reassured the urgency to get prescription went and the symptoms must of gone within a day or two as never took the prescription in.

I always seem to need to get medical confirmation that it is nothing as even if trying not to I obsess about symptoms, I guess I am more tuned into them so they feel worse I think than they actually are.

Hope yours clears soon x

15-04-11, 22:18
Thanks for the response. Mine started when I was prego 2 yrs ago I found a lump in my mouth, the dentist said he as nto worried but i was to come right in after I gave birth. I was only like 2 months prego so there I started my googling and obsessing, then other lumps and dr to dr. I even got one to remove one when prego. I went crazy. Then I began w/head a facial aches. I suffered a long time but got some balannce and finally went off my meds, low and behold all my upper teeth start hurting, swear I have trigeminal nueralgia, fighting this for two months, went to the dentist and dr like 5 times, now my whole mouth is burning. Cant understand why i do it to myself or even understand how my mnd creates these symptoms in my mouth. I get so mad but I take comfort in the response you gave, so thank you. I guess this is jsut my area that i obesess over so anything off makes me crazy!

15-04-11, 22:18
And what is thrush? What is the symptoms of that?

15-04-11, 22:45
I have had times obsessing with my mouth, both how it feels and what it looks like (and it looks weird and wrong when not looked at in depth before!) At the minute my ha is back (has been for two months) and is all abdomen related - for the first time. Hoping it is just anxiety as having wobbles when think have allsorts of nasties. I ask myself the same - why do I do it, but it isn't a decision, it isn't a conscious choice - just part of who I am. As I said in earlier post I am starting to accept that, I know I need to get things checked in order to settle, but trying to ensure I don't over obsess and get out of perspective, trying to ask once with dr, follow their advice etc and function as normally as possible in between appointments etc... winning more than normal at mo... most of time ;-)

The oral thrush (I prob did not have as symptoms went) but he said the burning discomfort and a slight whitish coating.