View Full Version : anti biotics?

15-04-11, 22:22
Hi im taking 250mg Clarthmycin (cant spell it) for 5 days (1 every 12 hours) but on the back of the pack which the tabltes it has monday am etc and ive just been taking any random one. also some of them have a letter c on and some dont. Also violently coughing at the moment and cant stop, scared i have mucus trapped (i had to change my bed sheets 3 times in 2 nights because im just so runny) and also ear is making weird noises today how ever the pain is slowly going. everytime i swallow it like squelches loudly. also last night my nose or something made a loud snoring like sound. Also timmu chest n throat still making nosies all the time. but didnt happen when i was anxious and shaking earlier. also still getting pain in fingers and numbness in last two fingers etc.

15-04-11, 23:08
im so scared im going to develop pneminoa or a lung infectiion or there going to collaspe

15-04-11, 23:15
i dont understand y this violnet cough has come in since in on anti biotics :S didnt have it before

15-04-11, 23:21
how old are you? nothing is going to happen to you, so dont worry. u really need to try relax! have a bath or something, watch a movie, get ure mind thinking of something else rather than constantly over anylysing ure symptoms, i know i know its hard but worrying wont make u feel any better believe me

15-04-11, 23:44
Thank u. Going to try n get a good nights sleep just worried cause anti biotics are different haha

15-04-11, 23:46
get a good nights sleep u will feel much better when u wake up :)

16-04-11, 00:16
Thank you. My tummy won't stop making me noises and I had a pain in it to n the last few days I've been burping constantly and throat makes noises to. I just want to sleep n I'm paranoid now that someone else is in the house in my room in the dark with me

macc noodle
16-04-11, 01:46

You need to go to sleep and stop fretting.

Antibiotics sometimes make you feel worse before you feel better.

The cough would probably have been the same even if you hadn't taken any antibiotics - just remember that you can have a bad cough for weeks after chest infection cleared.

You need to tell your counsellor about your paranoia.


16-04-11, 08:23
Thank you I manaed to sleep but I'm up early grr and one of the gains on my hand has bulged out and gone a deep purple( about two cms of it

16-04-11, 09:14
Also the vein has now dyed down now. I feel sick spent the last ten mins over toilet waiting to be sick but nothing

16-04-11, 09:36
now it looks like a slightly dark patch really going out of my mind.

16-04-11, 21:57
i was out today and my last two fingers on one hand felt funny all the time, would kinda snap then go numb and tingly. very worried as i saw my vein this morning also cough has got worse since been on anti biotics

17-04-11, 07:11
hey Emma your pretty much like me, I got nuts when I get sick and start to feel scared and worried about every thing :hugs:
When you get anxious it's very normal for your hands to go numb and tingle, even more so starting with the baby finger.
also if you slept funny or have any tension in your back, shoulders or arms that can cause it too.
when my back hurts I get tingles all down my arms .
What vein is worrying you??
Its normal for them to stick out sometimes, even more so when your moving about.
when I get a headache the veins in my temples stick out and throb :(
are you taking anything for the cough? Codeine is the best for stopping you from coughing but not the best for a chesty cough as you need to cough that stuff up and to clear it from your body.
when I get a bad cough, after a few days my tummy and whole body aches every time I cough.
Hope you feeling a bit better x :hugs:

17-04-11, 21:49
Thank you. cough has improved today and i feel like me again! it was a vein on my palm i had just woke up and about 2 cm of it was fat and purple. also on each side of my feet and hands i can feel a lump. still very worried bout numbness and stuff.
also i have one more anti b to take tommorow morning but my ear infection has not gone- its sitll squealcing when i swallow and i cant hear right out of it.

17-04-11, 23:07
Also if it's still not all cleared I'm just gong to worry still

18-04-11, 00:47
sometimes my veins stick out and I remember being freaked out by it!
it you know any men, take a look at their veins cause theirs tend to stick out really bad so it'll help see its normal enough.
if your still worried you could show it to your doctor.
are you certain its an ear infection? just the noise could be wax and it may help to ask the doctor to clean out your ears, they use water and know how to get the most wax out.
you maybe feel a little dizzy though while getting it done.
or the doc might give you ear drops, i think you can get ones for ear infections too.

18-04-11, 14:20
Thanks. Finished course of anti biotics now and still feel a bit bad. scared its an ear infection as i had one confirmed by doc and its still all funny at the moment. also in bed i was lying down last night and i suddenly had a rush to the brain like i was falling. every day is plauged by horrible thoughts that its my last. I havnt been out nearly all last week cause of infection and this week just feel to shattered to move. is the in the infection/anxiety that has drained me

18-04-11, 15:12
also worried because i dont think sinus infection has fully passed and inside one nostril is its squishy at the bottom and theres like a tiny little dot (indented in skin) on there

18-04-11, 15:25

Look at the following websites and start following the tasks etc:




Good luck xx

18-04-11, 18:06
Thank you. Couldnt figure out the 1st site. Liked the other 2 though especially the last one :)
still cant get out my head though the infection has not gone and ive no anti biotics left i notice on the packet it says 14 but i was prescribed 10. what if it startse getting worse again and i need stronger anti biotics.

18-04-11, 19:28
the ear infection feels like everyting i can breathe in i can hear it through my ear. its hurting again now to. what do i do if the anti biotics didnt clear it up:@

18-04-11, 19:32
also can hear it through my nose to. it s horrible

18-04-11, 20:39
Hi Emma
You may need to contact the doctor again, if it is a chest or sinus infection it's quite normal to need two courses of antibiotics.

18-04-11, 21:18
Thanks. It felt weird not taking one at 8 this evening. Will i be ok to leave it until Wednesday as im still very scared but am busy most of day tommorow

18-04-11, 21:35
im dreading that its going to get worse again- do anti biotics work even after u took the last one

18-04-11, 22:16
Can feel it again already n only stopped the anti biotics this morning

18-04-11, 23:58
I know how you feel. I've had the same thing for nearly two weeks now. Started a second course of antibiotics today for a chest infection and sinusitis. Doc gave me a nasal spray to help with the blocked ears. I keep going deaf momentarily and it's making my anxiety worse.

Hope you get well soon. :hugs:

19-04-11, 19:04
Thank You. Not sure whehter to do to docs or not tommorow im still the same also a fly went in my eye today and pancking. friend said it was on tip and now its not there. also got a purple line on fooot like i had one hand been there since yesterday

19-04-11, 19:20
have a very husky kind of cough but not so violent and my friends say i sound awful to and i do to me to which is worrying. scared it will spread to chest

19-04-11, 21:15
also top ridge of moth hurts when im swalloing my hot chocloate. its the bit just above from my teeth on the ridge of mmouth.

19-04-11, 22:07
last thing is ive also sun burnt badly at back of neck- forgot it was exposed and upper back. so upset this happens a lot- im ginger- i can burn in 15 c weather haha. :( worried i have skin cancer now

19-04-11, 22:54
bad pain in little finger now and just can not sleep even though i so badly want to

19-04-11, 22:56

What is happening about your councelling?

19-04-11, 23:05
I am currently waiting to receive notice of when the sessions will be held:) how ever the wait is about six weeks of I was told:)

19-04-11, 23:06
have you been following any of the methods given to you by other members to try an reduce the amount that you post for reassurance?

20-04-11, 14:06
Hi. I have a diary on my pc saved and ive been using one of the websites that you sent me but i find the only way that helps me is to talk to people and the only person i can do that with is my counessler. i bought it up with a friend the other day and they snapped at me "no i dont want to hear it, you know your fine blah blah blah."
My voice is still not back i sometimes have a husky cough and my ear pops still and i can hear my breath really loduly through nose and ear. I woke up late at 11 today so there was no docs. apps left when i phoned oh well :P x

20-04-11, 15:05
Hi Emma

Oh dear that doesnt sound like a very supportive friend. I guess some people find it very hard to understand if they havent been in the situation themselves.

The key to breaking the cycle of health anxiety is to stop the need to ask for reassuarance and to be able to know yourself that there isnt anything seriously wrong with you.

Your ear/sinus infection is something seperate that you need to go back to your Doctor and find out if you need more anti biotics for so try and get yourself an appointment tomorrow.

20-04-11, 16:59
Hi Emma

I apologise for the long post but I hope it will help you some.

I can totally understand where you are coming from as I used to be the same as you when I was younger. I worried about every little thing that happened to me, thinking that it was the worst case senario. I still have certain HA issues but they are nothing compared to how I used to be.

I sympathise with you having a rough time at the moment, being ill is never nice, but I can tell you now, I have been there and one thing I can tell you is that you are not going to die, you will get better. Sometimes illnesses can take longer to go for various reasons, one of them is worry, anxiety, stress etc. They can all play a part in making infections take longer to go.

You seem to be actively looking for things wrong with you - this is a huge mistake because you will always find something (purple viens, burping etc). By the way both of those things are completely normal. Hearing yourself breathe through your nose - been there, done it (still alive to tell the tale). Violent cough lasting several weeks - been there, done it (still alive to tell the tale). Painful mouth, feeling sick, no energy, painful/tender skin - been there, done it (still alive to tell the tale).

Can you tell where I'm going with this?

I had a bad cough that lasted for several weeks. It was just a cough and nothing else. I started to worry about it, then I started to notice other things (wrong) with me. I got aches, felt sick, mouth started to become painful and many other symptoms too. I started to actively LOOK for things wrong which made me find many things from 'Why is one of my ears now hot' to thinking I couldnt swallow.

Then one day I said to myself, 'even people with cancer dont have this many symptoms!' I then tried to occupy my mind with other things (which is hard I know) but I realised that if I did it then many of my symptoms went.

I eventually came out the other end and realised that 99% of my symptoms were down to anxiety, worry, whatever you want to call it, and it all stemed from obsessing over my bad cough. Here I am several years down the line, breathing, alive.

I can almost guarantee that most of your problems come from you over analysing every detail and then your mind blows it out of proportion.

I dont know how old you are but you sound relatively young and that, more than anything is a huge plus in your favour. The likelyhood of anything seriously wrong with you is tiny. I believe you have what I had - a bad infection coupled with a double dose of Health Anxiety!

Trust me, Anxiety can cause all of the other symptoms you have been experiencing.

Our minds are powerful things Emma, they can do extrodinary things both good and bad. The trick is to concentrate on the good, you control it, not it you. Dont over analize everything and occupy yourself. There are a lot of people on this forum who have been in the same boat as you, listen to them and try to take on board their advice.

You only get one shot at this life Emma, try to make the most of it. Life will throw crap at you sometimes, the trick is to find a big bat and hit it right back!

Get the help you need, get a big mental bat and start swinging. Start a fresh. There's still time. :yesyes:


20-04-11, 19:51
Thank you. Both of you. I have heard before that anxiety can slow the immune system down? will be trying to go to docs tommorow though as just to check i dont need another set of anti biotics. also got chest pain on one side to so bit worried about chest infection.

21-04-11, 12:35
Hi. Been to docs. he says i still have fluid in one ear which will take about a month to go away but no need for anti biotics. i coughed up snot this morning eww. one thing i forgot to mention was the pain on upper mouth behind front teeth oh well. :D