View Full Version : Aneurysm

16-04-11, 00:11
I haven't posted on here for a while, so I'm fairly disappointed in myself that I'm back.

I've had a sharp shooting pain in a spot on my head (towards the back, left side) that comes and goes about 5-10 times a day. It's fairly painful, but not enough to stop me doing anything.

I didn't have any clue about aneurysms until i read something the other day so I'm genuinely clueless.

Does this sound like a possibility? Or a blood vessel on the cusp of bursting?


Any help would be great. x:weep:

16-04-11, 09:08
An aneurysm produces severe symptoms that can come on suddenly, like a severe headache, nausea, vomiting, vision loss, etc.

I have had periods where I have sharp shooting pain in my head (or other places in my body) that comes and goes as well, it may just be anxiety. If you try not to focus on it for a while, it usually goes away as sudden as it came :hugs:
And you can always go and see your GP if you don't trust your symptoms, he/she knows best what's going on.

paula lynne
16-04-11, 09:40
As an ex-nurse, I totally agree with Relika. I too get a nasty pain (mines above my left eyeball-drives me crazy, hurts when I cough)..

I believe its due to taking cocodamol for other aches and pains and the cocodamol has actually caused this pain....have you been taking meds of any kind?

Certainly, us ladies have hormone fluctuations which can affect us...the slightest change seems to upset the balance....

What I would say is that if it continues into next week, have a chat to your GP. There are so many types of headache and all of them are treatable.
Im sure you will be fine x

16-04-11, 12:57
hi both,

Thank you for your response, appreciate it.

I take Sertrainline (100mg), but nothing else. I very rarely get headaches apart from these sharp pains.

I have a fairly stressful job and i have to drive min 4 hours a week, which i know can cause problems in the neck, so maybe this is related?

I spoke to my doctor about it a few weeks ago. She asked me a bunch of questions (nausea, vision problems, dizziness - no, no, no) and she didn't seem worried. I've suffered from OCD for 12 years and part of that was a series of pushing down on things really hard - i could feel the strain on my head. I'm worried I've damaged vessels.

Gosh this sounds nuts. Lord knows how i manage to hold down a successful career when I'm clearly this insane!!! :blush: x

paula lynne
16-04-11, 18:08
Maybe muscle tension in your neck due to the driving? That often causes bad headaches. Try self massage every evening for a week, about 10 mins should do it.