View Full Version : where can i go for help

16-04-11, 11:21
Where can i phone for help..im so weak and scared as ive been feeling so so tired for weeks now,no appetite at all and just not feeling well,sore back/upper back and under my ribs..i had my bloods checked 2 weeks ago but ive scared im dying...my other half wont listen and my mother has had enough of me..i dont know what do to.

16-04-11, 16:40
why do you think your dying i have had all them symptoms and it turned out to be stress please dont worry your not dying you are just very anxious i know because ive felt like you before it will pass pm me any time i will help you if you need to talk x:hugs: big hug for you x

16-04-11, 17:07
I know exactly how you are feeling, I know thats not much help right now, but big hugs hunny xxxxx

Granny Primark
16-04-11, 17:39
I too know exactly how you are feeling
Truth is loads of us feel like you but we are afraid to tell people.
I too cannot eat when im feeling anxious or down.
I wish I knew the answer. Sadly I dont. But what keeps me going is the people on here and samaritans.
I also wish I could tell my friends and family my thoughts but I feel ashamed that im not coping very well.
Just remember a problem shared is a problem halved and that there is always someone on here to empathise with you and give support.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-04-11, 09:44
I simply cannot go on and cope..i feel so ill and sore.

17-04-11, 11:22
Dear Sandy, you need some help and it's good to ask for help. PLEASE DONT SUFFER ALONE any more.

Get an emergency appt tomorrow morning with you GP and tell him exactly what you have told us. If you are really scared and are happy to be hospitalized, get some help today.

Don't worry about anyone judging you, you are poorly and need medical help and you can and will feel so much better.

Don't be cross with your mum, there is nothing more heart breaking than watching someone you love being ill.

Please get to a doctor, get some meds and or counselling, there is help out there.


17-04-11, 13:18
Sandy, don't fret. We've all been through similar things before and 99.9% of the time it comes back as being anxiety. Your bloods came back normal so there's almost certainly no problem. Deep breaths from the diaphragm and put your mind on other things if you can; nothing like a good joke-book or some of your favourite music for taking your mind off things. If you're still feeling bad then go ask your GP for further tests or head to the hospital and I'm sure they'll confirm nothing's wrong.
Please don't suffer in silence, we're all rooting for you! :)

17-04-11, 13:33
im to scared to go incase they find something i dont know what to do

17-04-11, 14:18
I felt exactly like this for a lot of the time last year I too was 100% convinced i was physically ill, I've got myself back out working since the end of last year and just got on with it and now feel alot better, it took a few months to get back into it im not there 100% but im a damn sight better than i was.

it was/is just stress doing you in, If you've been give the clear from the docs then just accept it and try to go on, it will gradually get better or it may take a while but you WILL feel better.