View Full Version : chest pains

16-04-11, 11:40
Hi I'm new to the forum just recently diagnosed with anxiety on citalopram 20mg and also propanolol when reqd. Im just looking for advice/ reassurance that even though I don't feel anxious (tablets after 2wks seem to have kicked in) I still get pains in my chest and for the fellow female sufferers do any experience mild pain in breasts? I'm assuming it's a side effect or is it I'm still anxious? I also have the clenched jaw and nauseus feeling still.pls can anyone help and let me know this is normal. thanks

16-04-11, 12:57
Some of the side effects will linger for a few more weeks .It takes up to 6 maybe 8 for them to settle down .Sounds like you are a bit tense still .Try some relaxaion and deep breathing ,heat is good too for relaxing muscles .Glad to hear the tabs are starting to kick in .All sounds normal so try not to focus on the symptoms .All the best Sue x:hugs:

27-04-11, 18:31
Thanks sue for the reply....

29-04-11, 06:20
Because of the complex nerve distribution in the body, chest pain may actually originate from another part of the body.
The stomach or other organs in the belly (abdomen), for example, can cause chest pain.There are many causes of chest pain. One is angina which results from inadequate oxygen supply to the heart muscle. Angina can be caused by coronary artery disease or spasm of the coronary arteries. Chest pain can also be due to a heart attack (coronary occlusion) and other important diseases. Do not try to ignore chest pain and "work (or play) through it." Chest pain is a warning to seek medical attention.

29-04-11, 06:44
Dont scare the woman half to death!! Chest pain is very normal with anxiety, try reading all the posts here on it. As long as your doctor knows about the pain and hes done what ever tests he felt were needed , your fine xx

29-04-11, 18:32
I think the previous poster was a spammer Mishel ..:curse: Stupid reply .tsssk :lac: sue

01-05-11, 21:23
I suffer with chest pains all the time, and have done since last year (july time).has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that it really is anxiety and like you, I was convinced it was something more sinister. but it generally results from being really tense in the upper body, which causes muscular pain.
something that really helped me was when my Dad explained to me how works. if u purposely tense your chest, then feel how hard the muscle goes, then relax it and feel again you will realise that you have loads of muscle there. when we're anxious/tense these muscles contract and we dont even notice. but they then get sore and this is where the pain comes from.
so long as uv been checked over by a doctor, and you dont get chest pain whilst exercising or your not short of breath, it really is probably anxiety.
i also find that putting a hot water bottle on my chest can help release the muscular tension, and also a hot bath.
i really feel for you, this is such a big problem for me too. and it is a worrying symptoms. but, i am living proof, nothing has happened to me and i've come to no hard and have suffered for nearly a year! xxx

01-05-11, 23:31
I suffer with chest pains, have done since my PA's started two years ago, and Im still kicking around, probably healthier than I was then!

I always get breast pains, and different kinds of chest pains. Some of it is directly anxiety related, from being tense and over breathing, and some of it is related as when I feel relaxed, my muscles spasm because they have been tensed up for so long. As long as you have mentioned it to your GP and they have no concerns, you shouldn't either. It's a very common thing with anxiety. I also sometimes find that the pains aren't real, and I just think they are, but I'm not sure if that's a common thing!

02-05-11, 04:08
Chest pain is common with anxiety. I suffer from it sometimes. I do find that Propranolol helps with this as I had it even worse before I started on those.

02-05-11, 06:48
I agree with Suzy-sue


16-05-11, 01:51
I too get chest pains now and then from anxiety. My doc has run all of the necessary heart test to rule out anything related to my heart. I still can't comprehend how stress can cause chest pain. I started propranolol 2 months ago for PVC symptom control and find that the medicine does help control a lot of the chest pain symptoms.

It's very scary when one feels these sensations, but I keep telling myself that I've had every test under the sun and they all have come back perfect.

Take care.