View Full Version : Any advice gratefully received

16-04-11, 12:31
Hi, I'm new to the site so my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place...

I have a close friend who had told me some time ago that she suffers from panic attacks, but I'd not been with her while she suffered one before yesterday.

Allthough I have an appreciation of what a panic attack is, I was shocked by the force of it and was - sadly - completely useless.
I'm looking for some practical know-how, tips, tricks or words that I can use to help her through the next one...

paula lynne
16-04-11, 18:22
Hi Big Dave, it would be great if you were able to get to your local library and get a few books out on panic attacks...there is usually a section at the back for family and friends. Shes very lucky to have a friend like you, well done! :yesyes:

16-04-11, 20:20
She is very fortunate to have someone with her that wants to help her and learn more about panic attacks. I think reading and researching the topic will help a lot. Also, reassuring her that she will be ok and it is not dangerous.

16-04-11, 22:19
when she is having a panic attack she is irrational.
her body is flooded with adrenline, her heart pounds, she breaths too fast, her mind starts to race, she may shake, her mucles may clam up, she might belive she is dying or feel like she is suffocating.
talk to her find out what triggers of her panic, ask her what scares her the most.
be her voice of reason, when she panics you need to stay calm, hold her hand, try and get her to breath deep and slow, maybe even try to distract her, keep her talking, talk about funny memories, be stern and tell her she will be ok that you will stay with her and the panic will pass, rubbing her forehead may help calm her down. ask her what she needs.
next time ask her how you can help her x

paula lynne
16-04-11, 22:35
Read up on panic attacks in the left hand column Dave, its gives a detailed description of what happens to the body. Besides reading up, its important to ask her what she feels comfortable with during an attack, as some people like comfort, others cant bear to be touched. Some like distraction and music, others need quiet and calm.......x

17-04-11, 09:25

I have written a book, its' basic and simple and not too expensive. Go to agonyfriend.co.uk and there is a The Pocket Guide is on the menu. Its not expensive and will help.
