View Full Version : Tension

13-04-06, 10:27
I get really bad tension in the top half of my body, mainly shoulders, but also chest, back, neck and sometimes my head which sometimes results in a headache.

I wondered if anyone else gets this and if anyone has any tips on how to help it go. I do relaxation CD's which helps, but most of the time not long after doing them the tension starts up in my shoulders again.


13-04-06, 10:43
i get very bad tension at back of my eyes and on my neck so i know how u feel sometimes it goes or slightly goes and other times its always there im just learning to live with it

goodluck x

13-04-06, 10:59
Thank you for your reply Katy, yes it's annoying isn't it?

Take Care,


13-04-06, 12:10
very annoying, i used to put it down to blood clots or brain tumours but ive had it so long and if anything its got better so the more i think positive the more i hope it will fully go, and u should do that too