View Full Version : bad bad day

16-04-11, 19:04
Today the black dog came to visit me with his pal Archie anxiety . so sick of it .
Not going to ramble on:blush:

I know we are all the same here ...struggling xx
so tired of it all ......and feeling very pathetic and weepy AGAIN :blush:
please send me a hug if you can ......and I PROMISE you will get one back when you are tired and ailing :hugs:

16-04-11, 19:10
Hi Snowgoose

Huge hug to you.

I probably will need to take you up on your offer of a hug back.

Hope things start to look a little less bleak soon.

Take care

16-04-11, 19:20
Got your hug Elen ......thank you
funny thing this cyber world ..................you replied and I felt a bit better immediately .
guess we all need to communicate and feel less lonely with this devil illness.
it means so much to me I am not alone thinking I am going mad or being weak .
a huge hug back .take care too

16-04-11, 19:20
Know how you feel SG - I'm feeling utterly rubbish at the moment too :lac:

Have an MM hug.

16-04-11, 19:21
Glad you feel better Snowgoose. I guess that sometimes it just helps to know that people are there and that they empathise with you.

You take care and have another huge hug.

16-04-11, 19:37
funny this cyber world isnt it ?
where we are so close because of our troubles ....and say things into the ether to people we will never meet .....and get that thank god feeling when someone replies ........cos they just know . no hiding or lies anymore . people here understand :hugs:
thank you MM .............hope you are ok :hugs:. another day ..another dawn .
my sister once said to me ..............put your head in the halter and just keep ploughing . we all do here xxxx

paula lynne
16-04-11, 19:42
With You X
Tomorrow is another day......x
Come into chat later and play the quiz with me, take your mind off things? x

16-04-11, 20:04
thank you Paula so much :hugs:
lovely offer ........been meaning to do quiz for a while :blush:.........just a bit fragile tonight.
thank you so much for your thought and care xx

off now to have long bath and get my daft head sorted :blush:
the replies here have made me feel so different now .... much calmer xxxxxx
never ever hesitate to contact me you lovely people if you need an ear:hugs:

paula lynne
16-04-11, 20:12
Enjoy your bath, and hope you sleep well, waking up feeling a lot better.xxxxx:hugs: