View Full Version : I Googled, oops :(

16-04-11, 23:54
I have these little pin prick red dots that appeared a few hours ago, they are not itchy and do not hurt but I decided to Google :(

The only thing I could find that looks like them is Petechiae, which apparently is a sign of something serious, why did I google :(

16-04-11, 23:57
Have you been out in the sun? x

17-04-11, 00:01
Have you been out in the sun? x

Stayed in all day today

17-04-11, 00:06
It was really sunny today and if you've been out in it or even sat near a window you could get a little heat rash. I've had red dots on me before when I've done that, they were quite faint/light red and in some parts itchy, not necessarily all bunched together, I've had them dotted all around. I've even been known to have them from sitting in a car, sitting near a window, even central heating! Taking a quick look at myself now I have a few random red dots on my arm.

I'm no doctor obviously! So keep an eye on them and if they're causing a lot of concern you might aswell book an appointment as they can put your mind at rest more than we can. Dr Google isn't a reliable source, I know I don't need to tell you that as you're an experienced/valued member on here but everyone with HA needs a little support with the Dr Google temptation. Everyone has a moment of weakness (I Googled something that told me I had cervical cancer the other day turned out to be ovulation pain) but try hard to stay away from it, it's of no benefit to us.

Take care xx

17-04-11, 00:08
Bath or shower recently? Could be heat rash or just sweat glands opening. (Went to doctors before HA when dd was one thinking was contagious, explained only gone to the Sat emergency surgery in case could give daugher. Dr just said very straight-faced, only if she was in same hot water!)

How long have you had it? xx

17-04-11, 00:11
... and googling? :buttkick:x

17-04-11, 00:26
The pin prick red dots only appeared a few hours a go, at first I thought bite but then noticed they are not raised or itchy so went to Google.

17-04-11, 00:42
I don't think it is anything serious but see how they are later today.

17-04-11, 00:44
when its warm I get pin prick dots all over my arms, I'm also rather pale so you notice them more

17-04-11, 02:15
I have little red dots/spots on the tops of my legs, and they have been there for a few years, so I don't think it's anything serious!

I have a feeling someone else asked about these spots a while ago on here, but my memory's not so good lol (they say memory is the second thing to go:blush: - guess what the first is:blush:).

We all say we ain't gonna google, but we do LOL.

Please don't worry.



17-04-11, 10:42

Where are the spots? have you been straining, coughing, laughing sneezing or cryinging with force? Petechiae is small burst blood vessels under the surface of the skin, my little boy gets this an awful lot the slightest strain and his neck and face are covered in them but he has also had them on his arms and legs when he has leaned on them!
Your right it is a worry when new rashes apear especially if you google as you always get worse case senario, i would see how you go and if the dont fade or you get more. See your gp to have them checked!

try not to worry

Claire xx

17-04-11, 12:16
Also, are they just on your shoulders and upper chest and back? If so, these are called something like "camilles de morgan" spots and are harmless. There are so many causes for spots and so very few of them are harmful.

19-04-11, 01:37
I has this back in December over 2 of these spots in my chest, I was convinced I had Leukaemia and couldn't stop looking it up! Nurse said they were nothing to worry about, this alleviated my fears at first but then the anxiety rocketed. I actually read that the most common cause of these is trauma to the skin I.e. Scratching or an insect bite which helped a lot and sure enough they disappeared after a few days. Hope you didn't Google the images, they made my anxiety even worse!!