View Full Version : I haven't got any fight left :(

17-04-11, 00:17
Hi all,

Throwing my hands up and giving up now. I can't take this life anymore. I don't want to be agoraphobic anymore, i don't want the panic, ocd, constantly ill. I can't even take my own child out. I've tryed everything. I've lost everyone because they dont understand. My own dad disowned me. Why me? I've always gone out of my way to help others, im not a bad person. But the people that made me like this have the most amazing lifes. I have no where else left to turn.

17-04-11, 00:24
oh so sorry just wanted you to know that someone cares

17-04-11, 00:29
It's frustrating I know xx

17-04-11, 00:42
Five years...i know others have had it longer, i just can't take it anymore. People talking down to me on the phone when benefits people ask whats wrong with me, people rolling there eyes like its all in my head. I should never of had a kid, my beautiful little boys going to be so messed up by my issues :(

17-04-11, 02:28
Hi Juiceyloop

You can't be responsible for your dads attitude, parents should love their kids whatever and like you say, you haven't done anything wrong, you have an illness, so why should you be blamed for that? As for the benefits people, they have their targets to meet, getting as many people off benefits as possible whether they are sick or not, so you are not likely to get a lot of understanding there, but that's not your fault.

Try to get some support from your doctor or others around you who are more helpful if that is at all possible. Children are more resilient than we think sometimes - the most important thing you can give to your son is love. He would be far worse off without you, even if you are not able to do many things you want to. Being agoraphobic and anxious about things doesn't mean you are a bad mother!


paula lynne
17-04-11, 10:02
Juicy, Ive been agoraphobic for 10 years. Im sending you some information via PM, I hope it helps. Dont give up, youre not alone x
Paula x

Granny Primark
17-04-11, 10:28

When your at your lowest and ready to give in
Grit your teeth and start again remember you can win
Each day will be a bonus and what more could you ask
God will lend a hand as well and help you with this task
Stregnth will come with each new day
Growing bit by bit
I believe that you can do it
So just for me dont quit.

Thinking of you and sending you loads big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: