View Full Version : Anxiety and working...?

17-04-11, 10:53
Due to the severity of my anxiety coupled with IBS I am unable to work. I was wondering what you all do for jobs or how you get by?! I was put on Employment and Support Allowance and went for a medical assessment where they decided that because I was PHYSICHALLY able to do things (walk and talk) that I am fit for work (oh how I wish this was so). I had to appeal against this decision and only get a portion of the full amount of Employment and Support Allowance and my appeal is being heard next month, which I've been told is probably not going to go in my favour and my Employment and Support Allowance will be stopped!! For a start, I'm not even getting by on the small amount I'm getting at the moment so I'm absolutely dreading the outcome of the appeal as I'm going to struggle greatly! I'm not allowed any other benefits so I've had to carry on paying council tax etc and I'm getting in more and more debt!

Every day I pray that I get better and can go back to living a normal life n working a full time job but at the moment that's unlikely! So I was wondering how you all cope? It's hard enough trying to deal with just the anxiety and IBS but I'm constantly stressing about money too and it's killing me!

Please help! xxx

18-04-11, 11:36
hi puck princess i know how you feel, i am currently working but find it so so hard i hate the thought of going, i also work afternoons so spend most of the morning such as today dredding it, ive often wondered if i should leave and would i get any benifits would that be easier i dont know. Im currently stressing about money too my partner lost his job last july and its been a constant struggle but all im trying to say is your not on your own as i have the anxiety,depression, ibs and money problems. Is there any chance you could get a little job ive thought about it like a cleaner or something to keep you away from other people, or could you possibly think this is not going to get the better or me and find a job similar to what you had? x

18-04-11, 11:46
Believe me, you're always better off working if you possibly can, as being at home all day just gives you more opportunity to think about your problems. I've had all sorts of anxiety during my life so far, but I've kept working and have only ever had one three-week period of work with stress.

I intend to keep it this way - I'm not trying to hold myself up as any sort of example, but as well as the obvious advantage of earning money, doing some sort of work, even if it's part-time or voluntary work, gives people a sense of purpose and self-esteem. It is very hard at times to get yourself there, but not giving into anxiety is such an important achievement to go for.