View Full Version : Struggling to describe how I feel...

17-04-11, 14:22
Hello lovely people. I wonder if anyone else feels like this and if it is an anxiety/stress symptom or there's something wrong with me. Really hard to describe... you know when you stand up quickly and get that horrible head rush feeling? Well I kind of feel like that most of the time to a lesser extent. Kind of like pressure in my head. It feels horrible and i can only describe it to my husband as 'not ever feeling right.' I have a long history with HA and am under a lot of stress atm. Does anyone else get this? X

17-04-11, 15:50
Yes, get this all the time just lately, and I keep having to ask myself if its anxiety about it that keeps it going or if there is something else going on. It is a horrible sensation and it's scary too. Sorry I can't give you any reassurance, other than, you aren't alone feeling these sensations. Also my ears sometimes feel like they are stuffed with cotton wool.

17-04-11, 16:13
thats my first main symptom, feels like you are gonna pass out and feel really off centre, stuffy ears slanted vision. Very strange. Now i know what it is i feel less scared when/if it happens x