View Full Version : Worried about myself again

17-04-11, 15:21
I've been getting anxious about silly stuff lately. Managed to stay off google which is good but the bad news is my anxiety has just found other stuff to worry about.

A few weeks ago I had tooth ache for a few days on my front two teeth and it went away occasionally came back possibly from over brushing my teeth. My bottom jaw is smaller than my top so my front teeth stick out a bit and I've been looking in the mirror constantly feeling I'm falling apart. I get thoughts like "maybe my jaw is broken" "maybe my teeth have pushed forward? not been to the dentist in a while but I suspect my health anxiety is just finding something to worry about as it feels worse when I think about it I keep checking the mirror constant..

Other anxiety is my bowels going regular worries me or the slightest cut on the tissue so I can't stop worrying..so between these two symptoms I keep worrying 24/7.

I also get worried about any slight cut, if I go white..anything I just freak out over.

How can I ease these worries?

paula lynne
17-04-11, 19:21
Hi Phil x
Ive been answering your posts for several monthes now...you dont seem to be getting any better regarding your health anxiety. A large percentage of nmp members also reply to you, to no avail. Do you think that this forum is actually making your health worries worse?
Paula x

17-04-11, 19:35
Look at this page there are also tools for health anxiety, but it requires hard work to get out of such a kind of anxiety. :)


04-05-11, 20:07
I'm kind of worried about myself again..still worry about teeth and bowels but lately I've had alot of weird sensations again impulses, adrenaline rushes, really obscure thoughts, feeling that "not alive" feeling again..I just seem to always feel ill or feel I can't cope..what's scary is it doesn't feel like anxiety feels worse.

Really not sure what is wrong..get so worked up over anything and I feel I can't cope with life at times..I can say between now and last year I feel 50 times older..I don't get why it's doing this? :ohmy::blush:

04-05-11, 20:10
All I will say is your mind is a very powerful tool :)

Have you tried CBT? Your teeth sticking out are nothing to worry about, kids get braces all the time for that reason. And you'd know about it if your jaw was broken!

It sounds like you're working yourself up over nothing all the time, and that's because of completely irrational fears.

CBT would be the best thing to help you as its focussed around controlling the irrational thoughts.

Go for it, what have you got to lose?

04-05-11, 20:41
All I will say is your mind is a very powerful tool :)

Have you tried CBT? Your teeth sticking out are nothing to worry about, kids get braces all the time for that reason. And you'd know about it if your jaw was broken!

It sounds like you're working yourself up over nothing all the time, and that's because of completely irrational fears.

CBT would be the best thing to help you as its focussed around controlling the irrational thoughts.

Go for it, what have you got to lose?

I had some counselling at the start of this year no CBT talk therapy and got referred by the GP cancelled as I felt it was better. My GP also gave me Diazepam I'm reluctant to even open them as I don't want to relay on meds like those. What put me off was the words "mental health referral" as they could bring up anything also suffer from OCD and it's quite embarrassing.

Like if I never had anxiety, I'd probably cope but having anxiety makes you doubt you can cope and I get myself in a twist.

Sometimes I don't have anxiety then when it comes just seems to cripple me. Like having suffered 5 years it feels different now to how it did a few years ago. Many of the symptoms I get now are different to say 2007, 2008 I find this hard to get round..Is it because life is different and different changes in life can make it have that effect? :shrug:

anxious eddy
04-05-11, 21:23
hi phil im exactly the same as you and my lifes a vicious circle irrational illness symptoms ...doctors reassurance and/or hospital appontment ....... feel better about myself then months later the cycle begins ..im at the beginning of that cycle now and i have to say it does become harder and harder to break so i can sympathize 100% with you i wish i had the answer but i think perseverence is the key, unbelieveably i can write this to you and i know in 5 mins google will be working feel pelt for me ,i tell myself not to but the temptation is like a drink to an alcoholic ..i need more help and time ,one day il be free but for now im not alone and that certainly helps :wacko: