View Full Version : Piles! Sorry for being gross!

17-04-11, 22:05
Ok, apologies for making my first post on such a delightful topic but I've been meaning to join this forum for ages and figured it would be ok to mention it here.

I've been a little constipated recently and have been able to feel a fleshy sort of lump at the opening of my anus when I strain. It comes and goes; sometimes it's only tiny, others it feels much bigger. I'm on pills for nausea, a side effect of which is constipation but, of course, this isn't registering with me and I've decided I have bowel cancer. I've spoken to my mum about it (she's suffered with piles a lot) and she's told me it sounds similar to her problems but I'm so busy worrying that I hardly listen. I'm 20 and, as Google informs me, bowel cancer is most common in the over-65s but still! And, I guess, it wouldn't come and go. Just wondered if anyone had suffered from something similar and could calm me down a bit. Thanks, and sorry again for er... well, the toilet talk!

17-04-11, 22:35
If you see a doctor they can diagnose the piles and put your mind at rest for you but it does sound like that.

17-04-11, 22:42
I have had the same thing for around 2 years now! It does sound like piles.
Do you bleed? Is it sore? Mine varies. Sometimes I don't notice it's there but if I felt it would still be there.
Sometime I thing I just have fissures or a sensitive bottom and maybe some kind of skin tag there?

18-04-11, 22:44
Thanks guys :)
I've been trying to book an appointment with my doctor for a few days but she's been away/is now booked up. But as soon as I get one I shall mention this to her to reassure myself.

I've had a tiny bit of bleeding but nothing more. No pain really, more discomfort. Feel reassured that you've had it for a couple of years, MidnightCalm, thanks :)