View Full Version : Dont know how to beat anxiety

17-04-11, 23:08
Hi everyone,
Don't know what to do ,I have severe anxiety I worry about everything.I can't seem to switch my mind off,I over think everything.I worry that if some of family are late home that they have had an accident and I can't help think what if they have had an accident?what if it's serious and they die,then I will constantly ring there mobile or worry till they come home,I wont be able to think of anything else and will get a rash ,it consumes me.

It affects all areas of my life I worry about work ,my health ,I am utterly convinced that I will die young of some horrible disease ,as a result I have spent far too much money I don't open bills or pay slips because I am convinced I will die .

I also have myself doing routines ,.I have to have a cup of coffee in the morning and wear my lucky grey scarf or I can't leave my house.

I spent alot of my time crying and I can't seem to get out of bed in the morning.everybody says to grow up and pull myself together but I am so tired ,.I just cant seem to stop the what ifs?

Sorry for the long post,I don't know what to do anymore
Thanxs for reading

18-04-11, 00:21

You'll find lots of help on here :) . I found the book below and anything by Claire weekes to be absolute lifesavers.

Good luck x

18-04-11, 02:27
Hi ya
I am very much like yourself, I can't cope knowing someone should be somewhere & they aren't picking up their phone & then I worry that I've called them & they have had an accident because of me...!! All I can say is that CBT, books and meditation have been a real calmer for me on this front. I also have panics, OCD and public anx issues but I can handle / avoid these problems if needed but the thoughts of worry never seem to go away!
Just relax & if possible try to talk yourself through these worries as they happen.
I have found 'How to master anxiety' by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell very helpful with my GAD.
Chin up chicken loads of support on here were all in the same / similar position & theres always someone to offer some fantastic advice :) x

18-04-11, 03:12

I can relate to you so much, fear has run my life for so long!!! I do NOT want to come off as a sales man, but I'd liketo share the CHAANGE program with you because in a very short while it is changing my life!!! I've actually gotten answers to why me questions I've had through all of this as well as actuall things to do that do work. It seems that breathing and relaxation are real keys to overcoming panic attacks and scary feelings. I am not doctor so I don't want to say do it like this, because it would only be my interpretation of what I am learning. I am learning though and the freedom is priceless. I live in Hawaii and the program is based in the states but they help people all over the world. If you want to see what it is about the website is www.chaange.com (http://www.chaange.com). Again, I don't represent them (someday maybe)just kidding, but I would love for you to find the sucess that I am finding. God Bless and the best of luck!

18-04-11, 10:26
Thanks everyone will look in2 those books.I have resisted the idea of taking any mess for anxiety but this morning rang my dr but my doctor is away for two weeks.I'm on holiday and I just can't relax ,I don't knw what to do ,I am so convinced that I will have sme terrible disease and die a terrible death.