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View Full Version : Hit my head yesterday night, scared now

18-04-11, 09:07
Yesterday night when I was getting ready for bed at around 10.45 PM I hit the top right back of my head really hard against the bathroom sink (I was picking something up). It hurt a lot and I tried to cool it a bit with my hands (I had cold hands at the time LOL). I didn't loose consciousness, only the place hurt where I hit my head.

Since I was scared to go to sleep, I went to Google what to do after you hit your head, and I really shouldn't have done that. It ranges from concussions to bleeding in the brain... It also says that even though you don't have any symptoms at the time of the hit, they can show up even days or weeks later.
Last year I hit my head as well and then I got very dizzy a couple of days later, and my GP diagnosed me with a very mild concussion. I remember him asking if I lost consciousness, if I vomited, etc.

I slept fine, woke up a couple of times during the night, which is usual for me. I live alone so I couldn't ask anyone to wake me up. My head doesn't hurt, just a bit of pressure and my neck muscles feel tense. I am not nauseous (not counting the nausea I sometimes feel when I wake up) or dizzy.

My common sense says that I am overreacting, and that I will be OK since I don't have any symptoms, but then there's my anxiety taking over telling me I'm not in the clear yet and that I have some sort of brain bleed that hasn't showed up yet. :unsure: Do you think I should worry and see my GP?

18-04-11, 09:31
If you're not drowsy or dizzy, if your vision is OK and you're not in any pain, then I would have thought it's very unlikely that you've damaged yourself. Don't forget that our skulls are mostly quite thick (other than the thinner parts around our temples) and you really do have to take a very hard blow before it does any real harm. Obviously, if you start to feel unwell, check it out with the doctor.

18-04-11, 09:35

I don't think you need to worry. My husband (who doesn't have health anxiety) hit his head last year on a big cupboard, read up on it, and ended up in casualty as he got himself in such a state worrying about it, so you're not alone.

Generally serious head injuries happen from crashes at impact, like car crashes. The skull is very tough, it needs to be, so a knock here and there, although painful is expected.

If you start getting really sick then go to the hospital, but that is so unlikely to happen its not worth worrying about.

19-04-11, 08:54
Thank you both, for your reassurance. :) It is now one and a half days ago that I hit my head and no new symptoms, phew. Except for a minor headache, but that's probaby because I had been sitting behind my sewing machine all day. I took a painkiller and the headache went. I hope it stays that way, last time I got really dizzy about two days after...
Once today is over I hopefully won't be that worried anymore.