View Full Version : Thinking of having children..how will i cope?

18-04-11, 09:24
Hey all,

Having suffered with health anxiety for years non stop, i'm at a point where i'm coping a bit better and things are manageable (for now).

I'm 30 and having suffered most of my life with this, know that it will come back full blown at some point, and im prepared for that. Thing is now i'm feeling a bit better, is now the time to start a family? I do want kids and can't imagine life not having had them, BUT how would i cope? Has anyone been pregnant on here who has had or started having health anxiety?

There as so many things that can go wrong and even when they go right, i just get so scared with all the symptoms you can get, the sickness, tiredness the pain...Its like inviting the health anxiety to come back even stronger, and i don't want to get pregnant and anxious...won't it harm the baby (if we are successful in getting pregnant in the first place)?

Pregnancy is a worrying (and exciting) time for a 'normal' person, but what about someone with health anxiety?

Any advice or experiences appreciated.


18-04-11, 11:06
hi biscuitlover.. I can't really offer any advice but just wanted to let you know that I'm in the same kind of situation. I'm hoping to start trying for a baby in the next year or so but I'm so worried about the pregnancy and birth! Obviously we want to do what's best for baby and I worry that my anxieties will cause it too much stress! And when it's born, would I be able to cope? My Mom had anxiety when she was my age and she said that when she had my older brother (1st born) she actually got loads better because she had this baby that needed all her care and attention and the anxiety slowly disappeared as she "didn't have time to be anxious".

Obviously things are different for different people and I'm not saying that a baby will cure your anxiety but there's nothing more precious than the gift of a child and I do think that the amount of attention it needs would mean less time to worry about how you're feeling!

All the best xx

18-04-11, 11:36
Hi ....
I've suffered with HA for many years now and have four fab children i worried like you both about all the what if's am also emetophobic (fear of vomiting) so morning sickness really worried me but i never got that with all four of my kids which is a good thing my HA never really gotten any worse i did suffer postnatal depression after having one of my kids but i got all the help and that i needed with that and then with the next kids i got myself out more and kept myself busy so the postnatal depression never returned again which worked but you will be fine having children just dont do what i dont with my first locked myself away and suffered with PND xx

18-04-11, 13:47
Take a look in here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=93&order=desc&page=2

I would suggest get a support system in place first, therapists , doctors, family and friends :) so when you go through your worst moments you'll have the support there x

18-04-11, 20:05
Thanks for your replies. My mum always says that a baby helped her anxiety in the long run, so it might be another positive outcome. I'll take a look at that link too. x

19-04-11, 13:40
Hi there,

I got full blown health anxiety between my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies.

It was hard at times to be pregnant with the added 'risks' of being pregnant but it was do-able.

The prize at the end is worth the extra anxiety, and in some ways dulls it.

I agree with having a good support system in place, find a health care provider that understand Health anxiety and is maybe willing to send you for extra tests, or have extra appointments with you if that is whats going to make you feel better.

Just be aware of some of the risks for pregnancy and try to see them through as logically as you can if (you think) they arise.

All the best, having and starting a family is the best feeling in the world - nothing compares to it.

Sam xxx