View Full Version : Questioning myself

13-04-06, 13:33
This is long sorry
I am about to go nd get another doctors note to send to my work. Its going to be my last as I handed my notice in as I nolonger wanted to cope with the job.
I have depression, had it for along time now(work donot know) its become more and more stressful at work and I have been in tears many a time.

I spained my ankle and when I called my boss he was not very nice about it and expected me to drive 16 miles to go into work as he was short staffed. I have been of work since.

I have been given some money which could tide me over for about five months. I am doing a book keeping course which I am half way through but I start to worry that I have done the right thing and what happens if I dont get work ect.

Anybody got any techniques that I can use? I know I have become alot happier as so many people have made comments and when i am positive about it I feel great.

Thank you

13-04-06, 13:38
Hi there Classiclady

I am sure you are doing the right thing - you have identified what is pulling you down and you are changing it - good on you, we should all take a leaf out of your book I think.........

I wish you all the luck in the world hun

Love :DPinky:D

13-04-06, 16:23
Hi - you're definatly doing the right thing leaving work, especially if thats whats making you feel worse and as you said, you already feel more positive and happier. These feelings will become more frequent now your out of the stressfull situation. My friend is in a similar situation, she has just been signed off work for 4 weeks with depression due to work. She's feeling better already now shes out of the situation.
Good luck with the book keeping course and I'm sure you'll find a job once you start looking.
Take Care
Love Helen

13-04-06, 17:28
I left my last job primarily due to stress, the people were ok but the work itself was tough going. I've moved to another place and feeling happier now, the anxiety is still there a bit but not as bad as it was. I'm sure you've done the right thing to leave.

13-04-06, 19:15
Thanks guys it is hard though worring about money. I am going on a anxiety course but not till july.

13-04-06, 21:26

I think what you've done is great....to identify what the problem is and then take steps to change it. Well done!

I know my job makes me much worse (in fact it was the trigger for all my problems) but I dont have the guts to change it.

I really admire you and hope your book keeping course goes well. I'm sure things will turn out fine for you.

Coni x