View Full Version : Feed back more than welcome

18-04-11, 16:12

Iv previously posted on here about my anxiety within my muscles round the chest area and arms.

Following doctors orders iv started swimming, 2 maybe 3 times a week for the past fortnite, first time i went swimming, i was aching all over due to using muscle i dont really use (As im a self confessed lazy person most of the time) but due to the pain that im in and doctors orders as stated above, i have started to become really active, i do stretches, swimming, alot more walking, i drink water instead of coffee, i try an eat as healthy as possible.

But with that said, i am still finding that even with me becoming more active the pain is still as persistant (if not worse)

For example, i went swimming this past saturday 16th april, the same night that i had gone swimming i started experiencing sharp stabbing pains to the left an center of my chest, numbness and aching down both left an right arms and occasional stomache cramps. These are all symtoms i had previously and this is why the doctor told me to become more active to reduce tension within the muscle wall surrounding my chest, an that my arm pains were down to knots centered round my chest that can cause pain to travel down my arms and other places in my upper body.

I have also recieved another complaint since becoming more active, breathlessness, since saturday i have experienced really bad patches of breathlessness thruout the days, im breathing and i know im breathing but my mouth (especially at the back by the throat) feels murky and dry.

Id just like to know if any of this, especially the breathing part is serious and not just anxiety related, i would appriate any feed back at all, and if anyone has any other methods of training the muscles without the bad side effects im feeling that would be great.

Thank you all for reading.

paula lynne
18-04-11, 17:52
Hi, well done in taking a pro-active approach to your health. I would go back to your doctor and explain that you have followed instruction and become more active and are eating better, but the pain persists. Anxiety can certainly make you breathless, but your doctor needs to decide the best way forward with this. Youre doing a great job, well done for making all the changes you have.

Paula x:)