View Full Version : How do you stop yourself from "googling symptoms"

18-04-11, 17:03
Hi there, I first posted here over a week ago as I had well and truly fallen into the habit of "googling" symptoms. I have quite a few moles on my body and recently got them checked out, all seems to be fine however I forgot to show the doctor two on my leg which are irregularly shaped.

Here's the deal; they aren't raised and have defined borders. They are also both smaller than the end of a pencil rubber. Logically, I should have no cause for panic. But I'm trying so hard to fight the urge to research my symptoms again, and nothing seems logical anymore.

I guess what I'm asking is: How do you fight off this constant temptation to "google" every seemingly abnormal thing you may have? All suggestions are welcomed.

That being said, I haven't actually done any "googling" since the last time I posted (an achievement-trust me) and I intend to keep this going. I just know that going on some scary medical website is going to trigger a panic attack and I don't need that.

As always, thank you for your help. This website has done wonders for me, It really has!

18-04-11, 17:47
welll im the same always looking for answers,but at the end of the day all you need to know is all the feelings you feel ARE to do with anxiety and are normal,and something i read which helped is this 'you can not faint from a panick attack,anything that hasnt already happend ISNT going to happen,it would have happend already' i think this is very true. xx

Hazel B
18-04-11, 19:22
I made my mind up and stuck to it. I remind myself that I'm not qualified to understand medical terms and most of the symptom sites have input from unqualified people as well. The only way to get a diagnosis is via my doctor.

It's way healthier for the mind to STAY OFF DR GOOGLE! You end up more stressed and worried if you go there.

19-04-11, 12:31
You could dip into a sweet pot for everytime you manage to not google your symtpoms maybe...good grief that probably sounds really patronising, but at least you get sweets.

19-04-11, 22:39
*PANICKING* I can feel a tiny bump right at the back of my jaw on the left side under my ear, when I press down on my face. PLEASE tell me this is nothing!! aaahhhh

EDIT: Ok, this HAS to be just glands and me overreacting right?! I just freaked cos i can't feel the one on the right side of my jaw, just the left. Trying the whole rational thinking thing...

Hazel B
20-04-11, 17:51
The only way to get reassurance is to see your doctor.

Do not Google symtoms, you'll get more stressed.

20-04-11, 19:44
The doctors hate the internet because they say most of he medical info there is put there to help other doctors and med students. Its really not intended for the general public and has been more harmful than helpful. The number of HA sufferers in there office has increased tremendously thus slowing the amount of people they can see and after answering all the questions from people with anxiety it leaves very little time for people that are really sick. Also they say that much of the information on the internet is wrong and allthough you may have all the symptoms of a disease it could be something totally different and harmless. Many symptoms can mimic really bad diseases when in fact ,there might actually be nothing wrong with you or something very minor...but I can honestly say I still look but I realize that im not qualified to do so,for what its worth