View Full Version : Face numbness/pain

18-04-11, 17:19
Hi everyone, have searched on here for info on this but can't find anything. I suffer panic attacks all the time and i'm getting good at recognising my other symptoms as panic. However during very bad attacks I get a numbness and pain down the right side of my face, this can continue for hours after the attack, also very watery eye and sometimes pain behind the eye. My doctor is aware of this, but just wondered if anyone on here has ever suffered this.
Many thanks xxxxx

18-04-11, 17:28
It's very common and I get it. I think its from muscle tension in your neck and shoulder which reduces blood circulation to your face.

20-04-11, 21:33
hi i just seen this..i get nuimbness and tingkling in left side of face all time im worried cos ddnt no if it was anxiety x