View Full Version : Do you find a lack of good sleep raises anxiety?

18-04-11, 18:08
I normally sleep for 6-6.5 hours but last night only got 4.5 and today felt really anxious, shakey and dizzy.

Just curious to see how many of you find the same.

18-04-11, 18:23
hi UK23. I would say yes definitely, as I also feel that way when I haven't slept well

18-04-11, 18:25
definately, if I have a bad sleep then I suffer all the next day. Good sleep and eating well I find helps alot.

18-04-11, 18:49
It definately makes a difference in my opinion. I also think that when you don't get enough sleep, you worry that you haven't slept and it becomes a bit of a viscious circle!

18-04-11, 19:07
o gode yes, ive not slept right in weeks aqnd ny anxiety is thrigh the rioof because of it

Hazel B
18-04-11, 19:30
I woke up several times in the night when my anxiety was bad. Lack of sleep affects all your body and mind as you don't get to recupearte properly.:mad:

18-04-11, 19:49
Yes, I always feel worse if I have not had enough sleep. When I started on medication I had insomnia as one of the side effects and it definitely made my anxiety worse. I think it just adds to the horrible feeling of not being in control of anything because on top of the usual anxiety feeling so shattered just adds more stress on top.


19-04-11, 12:32
I feel awful if I've had a really long lie in...feel groggy and tired and anxious and depressed and...zzzzz...zzzz...

19-04-11, 15:37
I woke up last night, just feeling anxious and couldn't get back to sleep. Feeling tired and stressed out today. If I don't work it off I'll have another anxious sleepless night tonight. I just don't want to do any excise or relaxation, too tired : (