View Full Version : "Tension headaches"/Head tension.

18-04-11, 18:13
Does anybody know how to help alleviate the symptoms, what works for tension headaches? Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, any exercises or anything natural that might help?
I've had a tension headache every day for the past month or longer, it's like somebody is pressing either side of my head, it leads down into my neck, my shoulders ache and sometimes it gets so painful I have to lie down from fear of my head exploding or something.
It's especially bad either side of my head on my "temples", if I press lightly it''s sore and it's also bad at the back at the base of my skull/top of my neck, if I press it's sore and I try massaging but it hasn't really helped and can make me feel a bit queasy.
:w00t2: <--- This is me going crazy.
A N Y T H I N G would be really appreciated :)

18-04-11, 20:42
I feel your pain, I get tension headaches when I'm really stressed and/or I'm really tired.
The best cure for me is going for a nap. I wake up and I'm fine. If not I usually take some paracetamol and it usually helps.
If they're really bothering you though see your doctor, they might be able to give you something better for them.

18-04-11, 21:07
i've suffered with tension headaches for years and tried everything but a friend recommended Syndol tablets and they are great, the only thing that works for me. They have paracetamol and codeine for the pain relief but also have a slight muscle relaxant in them which eases the tension. Definitely worth a try.
Love Tina x

18-04-11, 22:01
I suffer from really bad tention head aches and know exactly what you mean when you think your heads going to explode there are certian parts of my head what hurts and if i press them it goes and then i let go and it comes back, i get these every day and roughly around the same about 6pm roughly so i take a bath this helps to relax and then lie on the bed in a dark room, sometimes when im really bad my partner rubs the sore parts on my head and it send me to sleep, hope this helps and doesnt sound too stupid lol x

19-04-11, 12:10
It's horrible, last night it got so bad I could literally feel the tension in my ears, my hearing sortof went, it was ringing, my eyes feel it as well, it's just like my head has filled with air and is going to explode out of everywhere :/ x

19-04-11, 18:56
I literally constantly have a headache because of stress and tiredness etc.
I bought this thing that you roll over your forehead and it helps, you can also get migraine strips from the same company, it's called 4head and it's like £5. Might be worth a try for you.
I hope you're feeling okay now anyway :)