View Full Version : Do i have a brain tumor? :(

18-04-11, 20:30
Hi everyone,
for about 2 weeks or so now i've had very short aches at the side of my head and my eyes a bit too, will sometimes be on my nose as well.
they're not severe headaches its just a short twinge at one of the sides of my head, forehead or eye and it's fine.
however i did a very silly thing and googled this and what came up? you guessed it, a flipping brain tumor!
i'm absolutely terrified, i feel great and sometimes i can go a day or two without them but then i'll have the odd ache and my anxiety comes back.
i've been so anxious these past few weeks as i'm currently battling against OCD (currently winning!) and i'm so bored at home.
i did sneeze a few times today as well so i'm thinking it could be hayfever/sinus related?
may also be worth noting i'm on the Cilest contraceptive pill as well and i'm pretty sure they can cause headaches so i'm not sure if that could be a factor as well.
someone please help i'm so scared!! xxx

18-04-11, 22:32
Brain tumours rarely manifest themselves in small headaches like yours. Everyone has little headaches from time to time for all sorts of reasons (thank goodness!). Its more likely just stress.
You say you are sneezing? That in itself suggests it could be pollen related.
If you had a brain tumour, you would be straight to the ER, the symptoms would be that sinister or painful. You're alright. Yay! :yesyes:

18-04-11, 22:34
I went through the brain tumour worries a few weeks back; I've always suffered from migraines but I started getting sharp stabbing pains in my head. Anyway, after a lot of googling and getting myself in a state I took a deep breath and thought about it. For a start, brain tumours are very rare. Of course, this doesn't stop the worry because you always think you could be that one percent or whatever, but it should help you put things in perspective. Secondly, anxiety and stress cause all sorts of head pains. In fact, as soon as I stopped worrying about having a tumour, the pains lessened without me even realising. Also, as far as I'm aware (and I've done A LOT of googling on this!!) headaches caused by tumours are due to the pressure of the growth, so the pain would be localised and very severe. Another common symptom of brain tumours is fitting/black outs- I think that's one of the first major things people suffer with.

As you say, it could either be sinus related and/or due to the contraceptive pill. I know exactly what you mean about sitting at home with OCD - the more you sit, the more time there is to worry. All I can say is, I reckon everything is fine. Sorry if that's not too helpful - feel better soon :)

19-04-11, 09:33
Phwoffy's dea right about the "real" symptoms of brain tumours - evidently the way most people find out they have one is by having a seizure. Don't Google!!!

19-04-11, 14:38
Thanks for answering everyone :)
My dad had a brain tumor and didn't have one headache (and my dad's brain tumor was extremely rare) so I don't know why I'm worried! I just keep thinking I'll be part of the rare group that gets the headaches. My Dad's symptoms were pretty bad too and it was so obvious there was something wrong, I think my head pains are just a new anxiety symptom. Lovely! xxx

19-04-11, 16:59
i am in the same boat and i have a few other symptoms, lightheadedness mostly and nausea altough i think this is meds related. the chances of one of us having a brain tumor is highly remote,the chances of me and you both having one prob like winning the lotto. i say this to you yet struggle to convince myself :(

the fact your dad had a brain tumor probably plays on your mind and feeds the anxiety. my family has a long cancer history and it certainly creates more anxiety or me!

you need to try to keep busy,i took the day off work today thru feelin crappy and its prob the worst thing i could have done!!

stay strong and keep smiling :)

25-04-11, 12:36
Hi miniholly....below is a reply i made to mike-coventry-uk

I've been suffering with HA over the past 12 months, it just came out of the blue and really started to get me down. I recently had a spell were I was convinced I had a brain tumour. My 'symptoms' were very similar to yours...lightheaded, dizzyness etc. I also had a headache, pain in my eye and pain behind my ear and in my neck. As you can imagine this sent my mind racing and before I knew it I was all 'Googled' out and convinced I was a gonner!

Anyway I made the decision that one way or another I wasn't going to let this ruin my life....So I went to my GP, told him what I thought was wrong with me and after a two visits, a few tests, having my ears syringed and realising that the headache and neck pain were all one of the same thing and brought on by stress and anxiety I feel a lot better and the 'symptoms' have miraculously gone. I also came clean about my HA which I've been trying to hide over the past year. The GP gave me a basic assessment and is going to refer me to a Physcologist to discuss the issues I have.

All this has made me feel a lot more positive about things and right now I'm feeling good. I'm determind not to let this thing take over my life and get rid of it once and for all!


I hope this post makes you feel a little better. Stay strong. :winks:
