View Full Version : panic has eased but pains carry on .. why??

18-04-11, 21:09
right so my panicing has really started to ease this past month , i still panic every day but not to the extent i was before and not for long and only once or twice a day and not actual panic attacks.. where as at first i was panicing from wakeing up untill going to bed and then i was still panicing after a few months and it was still bad but an inprovement from how bad i was at the start .. i have bad thoughts but there only brought on by a bodily symptom by that i mean the pains that i get .. i get them everywhere and then it makes me wonder why im getting pains when theres nothing wrong with me.. at the start of my anxiety i didnt get any pains or aches i just felt really ill and tired and all the thngs like that .. but now i read through the anxiety symptoms and i dont seem to be experienceing many of them.. so im really worried even though my doc always says theres no need to be .. do i just ignore these pains that really bother me and wait for them to go away just like the rest of my anxiety symptoms have??

18-04-11, 21:14
I'm going through the same thing. The anxiety is reducing but the pains are even worse than ever. I think it has just taken a big toll on my body and it is going to take many months to recover. Hard as it is I think we have to try and ignore the pain, try to relax and let time heal our bodies.

18-04-11, 21:23
hi thanks for reply sorry to hear your going through it too .. i just get scared that im actually feelin alot better but the pains are comein so bad :( i ant get my head round it .. when i wake up in a morning with no pains i think ohh where have the pains gone but there never far away .. yeh relaxation is the key but sometimes its rather ard to relax with all the pains :( hope your better soon x