View Full Version : When will things Get back to Normal ???

19-04-11, 11:47
Ok so I have been plagued with stomach issues for the last 5 weeks , have had various tests which have all come back fine, but i can't seem to shake this dread that something is wrong ! I have had diarrohea since my ha started , which was part of what worried me and caused me to have the tests. I keep trying to tell myself that there is nothing there and i think i am getting better, but i still have the runs, worse in the morning, is this still the anxiety causing this ??? I just wish it would go, as it sets off my worries all over again !!
Sorry for the rant but just appreciate any advice xxxx

19-04-11, 12:11
Things should get back to normal when you let them. At the moment you're your own worst enemy which is the most frustrating feeling in the world. You're in a viscious circle with anxiety-symptoms-anxiety-symptoms...I could go on forever as the cycle really is endless.

If your doctor is happy there's nothing wrong with you, you have to learn to trust him/her and accept it. Instead of feeding the worry with letting your mind run riot, get on with your day, your routine and really throw yourself into whatever you're doing, even if it's just watching the tele, really concentrate on what's going on in it. Leave less space in your mind for the anxious thoughts.

It might be an idea to ask your doctor about CBT. I've never had it but I bought a self help book on it and had a read through and it helped me loads. Just had a little look and this site recommends a self help course here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696

I have little to no experience with stomache symptoms as mine are all heart related so I'm sorry I can't offer any advice with easing your physical symptoms but thought I might share a thought or two about the mental effects.

Feel better soon xx

19-04-11, 13:15
Good question. Being that I have had episodes before I know they will go normal once I can talk my self down (haha with that one). So just keep on going on and accept it the best you can, it will pass.
I am in the middle of a big panic now a days and my symptoms are constant. Drives me mad.