View Full Version : Perfect stress test, now new symptoms

19-04-11, 16:19
I have had heart worries for 17 years now and have had so many tests. I've probably had hundreds of EKG's, at least 3 echos, at least 4 holters, a 30 day event monitor, tons of chest x rays and cardiac enzyme tests, the CRP test, and 2 treadmill stress tests in the past few years.

My latest stress test was last week, and it was perfect. I actually even felt GOOD doing it. The week had been better in regards to my symptoms which were getting winded very easily, feeling weak and such. I even walked around the neighborhood as the doctor wanted me to -- I walked on 3 days and did a mile or so per day.

Sunday we had company over and when I went upstairs, I got this weird feeling like I was gonna pass out. I have anemia and I'm taking iron but it never did that to me before. Usually when I stand up too fast I'll get that, though. So I felt really weird for a few seconds and it passed. Since then when I go up the stairs I get this head rush thing, I get dizzy, feel really winded, and have a weird cold feeling creep up all over my arms and sometimes chest. It's like my blood is running cold.

I have a relative I don't know very well here as a babysitter for my child since I work from home but it has been really hard to work and watch my child at the same time. I met with her on Sunday and that's when all this started. I've been told it is somehow connected to her, maybe a separation anxiety from my child (even though she's just in the next room, I do feel guilty about not being with her.)

Other symptoms I have felt are wanting to cry a few times a day, and numb fingertips, general vague dizziness, and today my cheeks/face felt a little numb and tingly for a few seconds. I also had the urge to use the bathroom whenever the weird creepy cold feeling stuff was happening. (That usually only happens to me when I'm really afraid and panicking.)

I'm trying to relax but it is almost impossible. Whenever I exert myself I get a weird feeling like I'm winded and exhausted and my chest hurts just slightly in the center like I got poked in one little spot.

I just got up to do something and now I'm freaking out again -- my head feels hot and I'm having a hot flash. Whenever my heart rate goes up I seem to get symptoms.

I don't know what to do but I always think it's my heart. My mom and hubby say it is because of the new situation with the babysitter, separation anxiety and all that, plus I do hyperventilate, too.

Any thoughts? I just want to cry.

19-04-11, 18:15
Hi teacake

I can so sympathise with you as I get a lot of similar symptoms to you and yes so far all of my heart tests have come back as normal. I have multiple diagnosis which are ME/CFS, panic disorder and Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome.
Yes you may be hyperventilating and swallowing air, certainly chronic hyperventilation can cause a multitude of symptoms and sensations which can include exercise intolerance, chest pain, breathlessness, freezing cold hands and feet and more importantly panic attacks.
I hope this helps

19-04-11, 19:37
Thank you, ronski. My cardiologist in the states said I was always hyperventilating. He'd tell me to take a deep breath and after 1 or two I'd want to pass out. When I feel "smothery" I take more breaths and get dizzy. Maybe that's the problem? I get a weak/burning feeling in my muscles too but I thought maybe that was from the anemia (they said I was a 5 and you're supposed to be at least 15 and more like 20. The cardiologist looked at the blood under my eyelids and said I looked like an "11". That's still low, though.) I just know I'm REALLY frightened by the feelings.

20-04-11, 17:37
Hi teacake
Yes the symptoms and sensations of hyperventilation can be very frightening especially the dizziness and the smothering sensations. Did your cardiologist explain why you get so many unpleasant symptoms and how you can help yourself. I will try and explain.
With chronic hyperventilation your blood gas ph changes and become alkaline in nature and in doing that overtime because of anxiety it changes the set point in your respiratory centre. So now if your breathing speeds up it dosnt take long to get symptoms and sensations such as panic, dizziness and feeling extremely ill. In fact the worst thing you could do is take a deep breath as that makes the situation worse.
The way to remedy it is to sort out the anxiety as a main concern but that takes time. Short term you can concentrate on your breathing by making sure you breath by using your stomach and slowing your breathing. So next time you feel your breathing speed up concentrate on your belly button and breath normally from there. try to make sure your respiratory rate is no more than 12 breaths a minute.
An exercise you can do to force the correct breathing posture is to they this.
Lie on your back either on the floor or a sofa/bed, bend your knees and pull your ankles up until they touch your bottom. Put your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder. Now you cannot use your upper chest for breathing only your diagram. So try and slow your breathing to 10- 12 breaths a minute and do this exercise for 5 mins to start off with. You will find you feel better and very relaxed. I hope this helps.