View Full Version : Update: moved house

13-04-06, 16:28
Hi all! I posted last Friday to say I was moving out of my parent's home for the first time, and was of course anxious about it all. Well, I'm still not back on the Internet at the new house (as the PC is still at my parents'!) but I am back at work, and having a "tea break" :), so I thought I'd post by way of an update.

Thank-you everyone for your good luck posts in my previous thread (which I now can't find, hence the update here). We are actually *still* moving in - half of my stuff is still at home, because half of my fiancee's stuff is still in boxes all over our lounge floor, but we are getting there slowly but surely.

I was really anxious the first night (Saturday), and sat up until 2am because I couldn't face going to bed (it's the difference between being active and being still that gets my mind racing, so being in bed is a pain). I was eventually coaxed to bed by the fiancee, who let me put a really loooong DVD on the bedroom telly to keep my mind occupied, and spent the next hour or so giving me cuddles and being generally supportive whilst I went through several waves of panic, and a lot of "in through the nose, out through the mouth" (I can hear my mum banging that into me still, after 8 years!). I did eventually cat nap for about 3 hours, but was up early on Sunday. Sunday night was a bit better, despite the fact that I got a migraine, and then Monday night I was back at my parents' because fiancee had to take his hire van back to Sussex and stayed over there for the night. Tuesday night I was panicky again, I expect because I'd been back with my family for the previous night, and was still "hungover" from the migraine drugs. Last night was a bit better though, I managed to have a small meal (a baked potato, so not much, but I'd been eating with my parents at lunchtime & picking about during the afternoon until then as I didn't feel up to eating a full meal at the new place yet) and I only had to watch one episode of Blackadder before I dozed off, as opposed to the whole DVD as I had been doing!

I'm a bit anxious again now, about going back there in an hour and having another meal, but I bought myself another rescue remedy spray at the shop last night so at least I've taken precautions! I'm hoping that it will continue to get easier, and at least I have a few days off over Easter now to catch up on some sleep.

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

13-04-06, 18:49
Hi Leah :D

I think it will all fall into place soon, its the change and leaving your childhood home that will seem weird at first and the newness of it all!. Im sure soon you'll be settled in to your lovley new home in no time at all.

Keep Rescue remedy to hand works a treat!, its my life saver!

Keep us all posted!.

