View Full Version : Phobia of peanut butter

19-04-11, 18:53
I have hated peanut butter for as long as I can remember.
The smell of it, seeing somebody eating it, spreading on bread, even seeing somebody open the jar, puts me on edge.
I have looked it up on the internet and seen it is a 'real' fear, I can't be the only one out there, so was just wondering if there was anyone on here.
Also wondering how/if it should be cured...I don't really think it's worth trying to cure or sort out in a way, it's only peanut butter after all. It doesn't really stop me from doing anything. It's just quite strange when I'm in a situation where I have to explain.

Pembe :)

19-04-11, 20:09
Yes there is a phobia of this, I wish I could be a smarty pants and remember what its called. Do you just hate the sticky texture or the taste..? Or is it an actual fear? Sorry I'm enthralled...

20-04-11, 02:07
I can't remember ever tasting it to be honest and it's an actual fear. I start to panic when somebody comes near me with a peanut butter sandwich, I have to leave the room while they're eating it. It's quite hard to explain and I don't even know why I feel that.

23-04-11, 21:33
Aha - Arachibutyrophobia. Thats the word I was thinking of. Sorry I can't help you more, I'm looking for a cure to my phobia of big/small things, if I find it, I'll let you know x

09-05-11, 09:45
Heya, I have a similar phobia. Mine is of allergic reactions, particuarly relating to peanuts. i don't even have a severe allergy to them, I am just terrified of them! Have you tried CBT?

09-05-11, 12:09
I have a phobia of lumpy mashed potato:


11-05-11, 22:28
That's a rare phobia.
If you try compare the texture of peanut butter (I'm not talking about the taste), you'll see that many things that you eat may have the same texture, both smooth or chunky.
Though I do respect phobias a lot (I've had my own in the past and amazingly got them sorted out), there may be something you're missing about your general idea of peanut butter.
Any underlying thoughts there?