View Full Version : In pain again with swollen ankle and pain in calf

anx mum
19-04-11, 19:16
Still got a aching pain in calf and noticed since weekend my ankle is swollen physio does seem to help havent had it today

19-04-11, 20:05
It is not a DVT Bev. Are you still in hospital ? If so then ask them to reassure you.

anx mum
19-04-11, 21:41
It is not a DVT Bev. Are you still in hospital ? If so then ask them to reassure you.

Yeah still in hospital may be out friday waiting for doc now ankle is swollen

19-04-11, 22:02
let us know what the doc says x
sorry to hear your in hospital.

19-04-11, 22:06
My left ankle is swollen and bearing in mind I have had a heart attack they are not worried about it. No idea what causes it but if they aren't worried then I won't be.

I also get pains in my calves and the underside of my feet.

You will also get swollen ankles/feet if you are laying in a bed a lot of the time too.

I don't think you should come out on Friday until they give you some help with the HA Bev to be honest or you will just be back on here posting the same thing again and nothing will have been solved.

19-04-11, 22:19
Hi Bev

I have to agree with Nicola .

You should no longer need to post about the calf , dvt etc..

They would not discharge you with a clean bill of health if there was anything wrong . You have to believe this and break the cycle of posting for reassurance ....the reassurance does not last long and then you (meaning all HA sufferes) post again , then worry , then re post , get anxious and the pain gets worse , so you post again , i,ve seen it all before and done it myself at the doc,s , you need to break this cycle or you will be trapped in it forever .
Please don,t take this the wrong way Bev , i,m only trying to help .

Take care and don,t be a stranger on here just post for a chat :D, stay well



anx mum
21-04-11, 12:58
Hi all thanks for your comments hopefully going home 2moz saw doc about ankle yesterday and they did say it was swollen they think maybe water retention. I feel i have moved on from a dvt as i dont think it would last 7 weeks in here there saying scatica i guess i have to trust them.

anx mum
22-04-11, 14:21
Hi guys bk home today feel alot better although still getting pains in calf and my ankle is swollen. On alot of meds. Hope everyone is ok

22-04-11, 15:16
glad your thinking its not clots now bev ,as ive said many times youd know about it for sure if had them glad your on the mend

anx mum
22-04-11, 15:26
glad your thinking its not clots now bev ,as ive said many times youd know about it for sure if had them glad your on the mend

Thanks amanda how r u? Had a good rest in hospital leg still hurts and foot is swollen saying its water retension

22-04-11, 16:35
Glad your home Bev :D
Water retention it is then , it won,t harm you , have a good Easter with the family , enjoy !


22-04-11, 17:03
hi ben im really glad your home xxand hopingt taht right treatment was done and you can move on with your life and look fo0rward to a happier one with your children xx

anx mum
22-04-11, 17:07
hi ben im really glad your home xxand hopingt taht right treatment was done and you can move on with your life and look fo0rward to a happier one with your children xx

Thanks guys so glad to be home even tho kids wearing me out lol. On alot of meds but if it puts me right.

22-04-11, 17:19
im ok ty bev my legs are playing up atm funny enough ,i think alot of it to do with the after effects of being pregnant im sure same reason why you got fluid retention take care