View Full Version : can ha cause highish cholesterol

19-04-11, 21:02
hi havnt posted for a while as things were getting a bit better and i thought prozac was finally working.Then i had a blood test with cholesterol over 5.I have to see doctor tommorrow and am very worried.I had a heart op 12 years ago.

19-04-11, 21:24
No HA cannot cause High cholesterol. It is related to diet etc.

19-04-11, 22:29
Total cholesterol is not necessarily a problem it is your ratio that matters as it should be no higher than 5, So for example my total is 6.9 but because I have alot of good cholesterol my ratio is only 4 - my husband has total cholestoral of 3 but his ratio is same as mine at 4. Make sure you ask your Dr what your ratio is, your Dr should only base his diagnosis on your ratio. I was told that being very stressed will raise your choleseterol a bit. Before you even think of taking drugs try to improve your reading by cutting right down on saturated fats like cheese etc and maybe having one of the drinks like benecol a day and see what your ratio is in 6 weeks.