View Full Version : attention span

19-04-11, 21:35
hi guys
can anyone tell if they get this symptom i feel no mater who im talking to or even doing things im i feel like im only giving it say 40 per cent of my attention is this normal .im starting to get a bit worried now

19-04-11, 21:39
I often feel that way. I think its because, in my case anyway, that the focus is on "do I feel ok"..
I find that when a conversation really grabs my interest though or in a crowd of people my attention span is much better.

19-04-11, 22:25
I have the attention span of a Goldfish . It has to be something i,m really interested in to catch my attention or my mind wanders .
If i drive somewhere i often can,t remember how i got there if you know what i mean .
I remember my dad always saying i had a memory like a flush of hen shit:blush:

Did you have a good holiday Melvin , hope you coped ok i know it was worrying you .

20-04-11, 07:12
hi Mel yes i had a good time thanks mate .to say i was really stressed and i hate catching planes lol but if you want to go some where you have to get on them