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View Full Version : Why do little things cause setbacks?

13-04-06, 19:09
I'd been doing really well, anxiety and tension getting much less, fewer dizzy spells and feeling much more positive. Then this morning I checked my bankk account and had a bit of a financial crisis (loads of charges put on, leaving me with no money!!). So, as I was looking at the screen heart starts pounding, hot, sweaty palms.... My husband had it all sorted out by 9.30 (bless him!!) but the rest of the day I feel I've gone way back - stomachs been churning, palpatations, dizzy, thoughts I can't get out of my head......
I guess what I'd like to know is why/how one little incident can cause all these things to resurface in earnest?
Love Helen

13-04-06, 19:51
Hi Helen

Guess this is anxiety for us :(

I think the postive here is that you have recognised that this was a minor set back that Is now resolved and you can now move back to your good days

Even a none anxiety person would panic at this situation, I know before I had panic attacks I have had many a do when looking at a cash machine, this is just a normal reaction to an unpleasant situation think as people we are just more sensitive to it,

Take Care

Wendy xx

13-04-06, 21:19
Hi Helen,

I can so relate to what you said!

I can be going along fairly smoothly but as soon as something unexpected (no matter how small) happens, i go into a complete overreaction! Exactly as you describe...sweating heart pounding stomach churning etc. Its like my responses go into overdrive.

This happens a lot at work, and recently I've ended up in tears because of it (not good).

I dont know what the answer is (sorry) but if you find it will you let me know?

take care

Coni X

14-04-06, 08:18
Thanks Wendy and Coni - I knew it was an overreaction but was unable to stop it at the time. I've gotten up this morning feeling more positive and back on track - just checked my account and money is there - phew!!
Thanks again
Love Helen

14-04-06, 09:24
Hi Helen

You sound as though you are doing great hun, even someone without anxiety would react this way I'd guess, you have recongnised that you over-reacted so you havent gone as far back as you might fear. You will get right on track hun - its just a blip.

Take Care

Love Pinky

14-04-06, 17:46
Thanks Pinky:D

14-04-06, 21:22
Hi helen,
The reason for these feelings are because although we feel better, we are still sensitised. this is only to be expected are nerves trigger a little easier because of what we have been through. As long as we don't make an issue of these moments and just move on, we give are nerves more chance to calm down and they become less frequent.

14-04-06, 21:40
Thanks Paul - today has been much better again, less tense with little anxiety.
Love Helen

14-04-06, 21:42
Glad to here it helen : )
Less worry less symptoms
Keep the faith