View Full Version : Will GAD wear off? Do I have GAD?

20-04-11, 12:30
About a month ago, I had reason to believe I had Cancer. I am married with 4 kids and I am 39 years old. Obviously, this scared me. For almost 3 weeks, I thought about dieing and how I wasn't going to be around much longer. I thought about this every single second for 3 weeks. I barely slept and got to a point where I couldn't breath all that well. I couldn't take a deep breath or yawn. Anyway, I got tested and all is good. No Cancer. So, I'm thinking things are good now right? NO! I still have trouble staying asleep at night (average about 2-3 hours) and my breathing still isn't right. I have an appoinment with my doc today and talked to a Psychologist yesterday. She says it is anxiety and thinks it will wear off. Has anyone else had this type of issue where excessive worrying caused this? Did it wear off? What kind of help did you get? I am trying to train my body to sleep again the right way and can do that with Benadryl or sleeping pills, but I haven't done much of that..Maybe 3 nights. Someone help me on this.

20-04-11, 16:14
Excessive worrying can cause a huge range of symptoms. They should go by themselves in time but only if you don't start to worry about them cuz then you get stuck in a cycle.

Best things you can do for anxiety in my experience are:

Exercise - keeping active releases happy chemicals in our brains, endorphins I think. It can make you feel really good and relaxed.

Eating healthier - the healthy stuff really is the good stuff! Full of all the vitamins and minerals to keep your body and your mind happy. Not saying you have to cut out all the "bad" stuff, cuz you don't. Just add more fruit and veg to your diet.

Breathing techniques - if your breathing is your main anx symptom you should try doing a couple of breathing techniques to ease it all up. You could be hyperventilating without knowing it which leads to a horrible feeling of not being able to breath but in reality it's because you have too much oxygen and your body is trying to forceably slow you down. There's one I like to do, breath in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds and so on.

Relaxtion - It IS possible ha :D Anything, relaxing on the sofa, cuddling with your wife, hot baths, sitting in the garden, seriously anything you find relaxing just go for it. Untense all those tensey muscles, breath deeply and slowly, empty your mind and just give in to relaxation. You'll feel a whole lot better for it.

Letting go - you had a worry, you went to your doc, you got the all clear and now it's time to let go and move on. If you ignore the symptoms and don't dwell on them they should clear up. I know it was scary and you probably drove yourself up the wall with all of the worry but it's over now and you're ok :) This one is very hard, it won't happen over night obviously but keep striving towards it, you can do it.

As for the sleep, exercise and relaxtion should help with a natural good nights sleep.

Feel better soon xx

21-04-11, 12:29
Hey thanks Poker. I know that is my issue, just continoulsy thinking about Cancer started it..Now it is clear, but I haven't slept good and now I continuously think about not being able to sleep. Ughh!... I am doing what you said and will keep my head clear. Just staying busy, will excersise and try some Yoga. I have started the breathing excersises and it helped too. Thanks again

21-04-11, 20:06
You're very welcome! :)

Yoga is GREAT for anxiety! I do it on the Wii Fit sometimes and it really does get to all those tense muscles, helps control your breathing and promotes relaxation, I really think you'd benefit from it. So glad you mentioned it, can't beleive I missed that one! :D

Take care xx

eight days a week
21-04-11, 21:47
It sounds like you have absolutely normal short term high anxiety, in the face of a really stressful period of weeks. Completely and utterly understandable, and nothing more to worry about for the time being in my humble opinion :)

It's a great opportunity though to put into place beneficial things to help lessen that anxiety. You can just wait for it to go down naturally of course, but why not be proactive and feel better more quickly?!

All the best :)

22-04-11, 05:14
gad will wear off it takes a while you get good days bad days but soon you will get more good than bad i never thought mine would go but i have now come out the other end take care