View Full Version : anyone been to neurologist?

20-04-11, 12:40
hi guys,

i have had nuerological symptoms which doc has put down to anxiety or even meds side effects.


lightheaded-no dizziness
lack of appetite
the shakes - only when at rest
lack of sleep

the doc did the following tests

close eyes and touch tip of nose
walk in straightline toe to heel
muscle strength in arms and hands
eye reflex - following movement with head fixed and eyesight dimensions
full blood tests - all normal

i am been sent to see a neurologist as peace of mind,wonder what different tests they will be doing to what the docs have already done if any one knows?

i am caught between wether to continue with my meds as i know these can cause side effects and increase the anxiety alho doc seems adamant tht i remain on them as he truly believes tht is what is the problem as i have suffered on and off or 3 years.even seeking cbt!!

any info would be great
cheers guys

20-04-11, 17:14

I saw a neurologist last year. I was referred by my GP for vertigo, tinnitus, general dizziness, and intermittent numbness in my hands and legs.

The tests the neuro did were very similar to the ones that your GP did (minus blood tests). Lots of reflex tests, tests for strength in arms, legs, hands and feet, tests for normal sensation in various places, walking in a straight line. They were just more in depth than the ones the GP did for me.

I also got a referral for an MRI scan, which I had a few weeks later.

The neuro concluded that there was nothing seriously wrong with me, and that I just had an unfortunate mix of coincidental symptoms that could have pointed to something more serious but fortunately wasn't. The numbness turned out to be general wear and tear, and the tinnitus / vertigo something wrong with my ears.

I should also say that, after googling and then being referred by my GP, I became very anxious and I had huge problems sleeping and a complete loss of appetite (sleeping and eating are my two favourite pass times, and I had never had problems with either before), as well as a worsening of all my original symptoms. This was definitely a direct result of the anxiety - they completely disappeared (and my original symptoms went back to how they were before) as soon as I got the all-clear.

Hope that helps, good luck.