View Full Version : hi need help after break up

20-04-11, 12:58
not been on here for a while

lately me and partner decided to split as i need to move back home to be near my children and family.

i haven't got any friends down here and i no longer work due to my depression and epilepsy ...

anyway - things came to a head today and i feel like i'm having major panic attacks and i can't cope - i have no where to go and still live with my partner until i can move back home - we have been through a lot ... i mean a lot for nearly 4 years and he is too tired to carry on....

i feel guilty and i also feel like i have to make a choice

he knows that the place i am moving back too is a bad place for me as i still bump into my ex who was abusive, and family members who abused me when i was a child...

i don't think i can cope - i don't have much of a support network here or home but at least i have a sister who can give me a sofa to sleep on.

on top of this i'm going through a divorce and child contact is getting more and more difficult

i just wish i could go to sleep and never wake up again - i have put people who i really love and care about through a lot of pain and i can't take any of it back....

i can't cope any more