View Full Version : DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO????

13-04-06, 20:17
I thought for the past few days i was things were really looking up, but i still have the on edge, giddy, lightheaded feeling, the feeling like i cant focus. My tension sometimes is unbearable but im worried so much about brain tumours. My worst fear is fainting im scared this is gonna happen to me in public and im gonna wake up in hospital on my death bed, i think fainting plays on my mind because i fel giddy and not with it. can anyone else relate to how i feel. I started to think positive but now again i cant stop thinking ive got a serious illness especially in my brain, i see floaters to and think fluid is pushing on my brain

am i stupid?


13-04-06, 20:21
Hi Katy, not knowing anything about you, have you been to your doctor to seek any advice about your anxiety ?

Do you take any medication?
Use any relaxation?

Tara x

13-04-06, 20:22
ive been going to the docs for the past 8 months and he promises me its anxiety and il get better, im taking cipramalol anti-d's just waiting for them to work, im just scared of everyday and what happens to me#

13-04-06, 20:23
Hi Katy

No you are not stupid just struggling with anxiety which is what these symptoms are - take it from one who's also had / got em all!

If you have had a few good days you can have more and you will do, people who have the illness you are worried about dont have good days, these good days are a sign you are going to get over this and are on your path to recovery,

I can totally relate to you and know how bad it feels but stick with it, you will beat this!!

Take Care

Wendy xx

13-04-06, 20:23

Deep breaths.
I feel the same at the moment.
Have had a few good weeks but my head pains have come back with a vengence. I know it's stress as I had a very stressful weekend. But I cant but help think What if its a tumour.

Together we should tell each other that we are fine and it is us doing it to ourselves.
Hang in love we can get better.
I feel faint and convince i see floaters but it is all stress and panic.

I think you and me are similar and are at similar stages of our panics.
Maybe we can help each other to be more positive?

Chin up love.

Hay x

13-04-06, 20:25
thanks for positive words guys, hay;es il help u if you help me x

13-04-06, 20:26
Hi Katy, i know how your feeling, it's not nice hun.

How long have you been on the meds for??

There are lots of ways of relaxing and yourdelf a little break from al this, i found aomatherapy a great one. Got myself a book and everything and the more you can focus on something else, it'll give the anxiety a rest too. Cleaning is another cool one for me.

What do you do to relax or to distract yourself hun ?

13-04-06, 20:31
Hi Katie,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well, and no you are not stupid,just to reasure you fainting is my fear also i have had this problem for 10 years and i have NEVER fainted and i am sure you wont too. its good to hear you are trying to think positve. we are all here to help you.

Love Andrea

13-04-06, 20:56
Hi Katy,

I understand what you mean, I have a fear of fainting too and get dizzy/lightheaded. Doing something relaxing helps and doing something to distract you helps you not to worry.

It's a cycle, we worry then get symptoms of anxiety and then we worry about the symptoms.

Take Care,


13-04-06, 20:56
I dont do any relaxtion just reading. thanks everyone for supporting me i just dont wanna die and i fear my brain might be falling apart. i mean why else would i fel so giddy and lightheaded