View Full Version : Anxious About New Job!

20-04-11, 17:27
Hi All,

About 3 years ago I spent the best part of a year battling anxiety (including panic attacks & heart palpitations). It was a real low point in my life that I've bounced back from with the help of CBT, medication & exercise.

I found out yesterday that I was successful in a promotion that I applied for at work. It's a different office, different job & different people. I'm over the moon that I got it but a part of me is scared. I'm worried 'can I actually do this job?', 'will the people like me?' etc etc. I've started to get anxious about it, not sleeping & losing my breath. I don't start until the beginning of June which gives me another month plus to get worked up about it!

Does anybody have any tips on overcoming this? Thanks x

25-04-11, 15:59
Hi Kirstie

Everyone would be worried in your situation, so firstly, don't worry that you're worried (if that makes sense!)

You got the promotion which obviously means you're a good worker, people have faith in you and think you can do it. Anyone would be nervous, so allow yourself to be. BUT, try to put it off til nearer the time - don't spend a month worrying about it if you can help it. Try to see it as a new adventure, meeting new people, etc - change can be good!

Good luck, I'm sure you'll love it once you've started. x

26-04-11, 01:33
Hi Kirstie

Is there anything practical that you can do to help reduce your anxiety? For example, since it is a different job, is there anything you can learn beforehand that would help you feel more confident about it rather than stepping straight in to the unknown? Are there manuals or literature that you could borrow to read up on that would give you a better idea of the job? Is it worth arranging to go down to the new office beforehand to make yourself known to everyone? I always find I am less anxious the more familiar I am with something. If you meet them and find they are a really nice crowd it might help you not to worry so much. They will also be impressed that you showed how conscientious you are and how much the promotion means to you.

Good luck with it all Kirstie and well done on your recovery.

Tyke x