View Full Version : I need advice....im worried

20-04-11, 19:55
Im a 37 year old ex soldier who is practical,sensible and have dealt with many things in life in a calm way
I have never even thought of myself as the sort of person who rings helplines or seeks counselling and always thought i was a strong well balanced person
A month a go i was suddenly in hospital with heart problems which were a very upsetting experience.I am having tests and treatment but a week after the hospital i started having a panic attack which was unreal
I was then fine for 2 weeks and suddenly it happened again...i had 2 nights of it which was exhausting.
After a few days of what seemed normality it suddenly hit me 3 nights in a row and to be honest has scared the hell out of me because i am trying not to get any more stress during my treatment.
They come out of nowhere and leave me in dread as my body starts to get out of control with cold sweats...heart racing and feeling like my heart will suddenly stop and feelings of terror and nausea throwing up....i have resorted to getting up and dizzily wandering the streets at 3am because i am scared to go back to a bed....its unreal...im scared of my own home and i have not had any sleep for 3 solid days..just constant fear and heart pumping like crazy...Is this normal?...how do i cope with it?...is there anything i can do to help control it.
Im ashamed to admit this here but i have to face my fears and admit im terrified of this.I can spend all day in a daze then when i go to bed its suddenly pure dread.
Anyone else felt this....?....can anyone help me

20-04-11, 20:06
Hi Asterix:)

you have come to the right place for support and understanding. panic attacks are hell and first off read some of the articles to the left of this page for tips on coping and what is happening to your body.
other more experienced members will be along shortly I bet to give you advice .
for me ................learning to breathe properly and not hyperventilate made a huge difference .
just wanted you to know you are not alone with this and you will get better .x

20-04-11, 20:29
Hi I've been having panic attacks for a few years but they became worse when I moved house last July. I had to move out of my bedroom and into the spare room as I was waking up my husband. I'd either be having panic attacks or if I managed to get to sleep I'd have nightmares. I used to dread the evenings and would get more and more stressed out as it got closer to bedtime. What has helped me a lot is not to try to go to sleep. I bought a tv, for my bedroom, and put it on everynight when I went to bed. I put it on news 24 and after a while I'd nod off. I wasn't getting as good a nights sleep as I did in my old house but I wasn't scared to go to bed anymore. I've also tried listening quietly to classic fm at night. I've now bought myself an indoor water feature which has little lights that reflect on the ceiling. I find the lights and the sound of the water help me stay calm. I can't move back into my bedroom though, my husband says that the water feature sounds like someones peeing in the corner of the room.
I hope this helps and you feel a bit better soon.

20-04-11, 21:20
The heart problems you had and sudden hospitalisation probably knocked you for six and , 'what a surprise'......... a week later the panic attacks started. It's very normal and as the above poster said breathing techniques can help. Also the books by Claire Weekes (in the sidebar here I believe) can be very helpful. They struck when you were anxious and now have established a pattern. They can and will lessen with the right approach.

Bon Chance!

20-04-11, 22:20
I HATE panic attacks so much they have ruined my life :weep: lik eyou said about wandering the streets at 3am i've done all that and even now i still would but now i stop myself going out for a walk so late... but am so SCARED to get into bed seriously i haven't slept in my bed now for over 18 months as thats where i always used to have my panic attacks waking up in the night in a big sweat so now ijust avoid it and i sleep on my sofa watching tv until i nod off god no's why i wont go to bed as if am going to panic i will do it anywhere but i DREAD the night time looming i hate it so much as late at night and early hours in morning are the worse times for me this is when the panic and anxiety show themselves more.. i now just try carrying on doing whatever i was doing before the panic started but sometimes i end up freaking and just pacing the house but i am getting better as am not freaking with every sensation like i used to i also listen to clare weekes while going to sleep i also have her books maybe you could get yourself some ??