View Full Version : predicting the worst?

20-04-11, 21:24
im assuming its a symptom of anxiety but i always think of the worst thing in a situation, things like if i hold my friends baby, i always think 'god what if i drop her' or when i was out with my friend and his dog and the dog went in the water for a swim i was thinking 'god what if she gets caught up in the weeds' 'dont jump in the water please you might not get out'. i love horse riding but i always think im going to have a bad fall, if ever i have kids im going to be in a right panic all the time!
is it paranoia? horrible thoughts all the time?

20-04-11, 21:49
only negative thinking.... it will pass

21-04-11, 00:06
It's a very common symptom of anxiety disorder. Constant fear and dread. Always thinking the worst case scenario will happen. As previous poster said - negative thinking. I'm really hoping I get my CBT appointment soon and that it will help me overcome this.

Panic breeds panic!

Best Wishes. x

22-04-11, 22:57
Hey Sarah. My wife is blighted with disaster daydreams that usually involve a grisly injury to her, our children or both. It gets her down sometimes. But she is the most chilled and un-anxious person I know, so with her its definitely unrelated to general anxiety.
She actively follows one of these daydreams with a positive image of something and this helps.
The power of positive! A secret weapon for those who can access it.
Hope your weekend is being lovely to you.
Chris x