View Full Version : worried and scared

20-04-11, 21:31
I am in a mess at present have loads going on and lots to do in short space of time. I need to concentrate on my studies first i think and try and forget about the the other stuff!!!

Thing is too much on my mind is getting in the way of me concentrating.

Worrying and fussing about nothing probably.

Thing is i have out off going to the GP for a while now as hate doctors. Well i went the other day and i knew what they would say so now its made me even more anxious. I have a mole/lesion on my back had it for 3 or 4 months now had nothing there before thought it was just a spot that wouldnt heal (hopefully it is) anyway they are not sure and have refered me urgently to a dermotologist specialist to get it checked out now im thinking all sorts in my head what if it is skin cancer, i cant go to the appointment as hate doctors and hospitals, am so scared more scared of going than what may be wrong!!!
I have to much to do and no time for all this.

I cancelled the appointment that was offered to me stupid i know but its next week and ive arranged to go away for the week. The hosp were really horrible to me when i told them, but i did say to to the GP i wanted it for the week after but thing is she requested an emergency appointment and you dont get to choose a date!! They will put another request in for me begining of may when i, back means mo re time waiting but me own fault really!!! im so scared of going!!!
The theres me foot i hurt 3 weeks ago now still painful and swollen i menyiond it to the doctor who said if its no better in a week go back and they would refer me to physio, once again i hate doctors and dont think ill be able to go back!!

Im so pathetic and stupid i am!!

20-04-11, 21:55
No you arent... I have so many things wrong and Im scared to death of doctors... I wouldnt say its stupid I would say its a healthy fear...It seems that people hat go to doctors usually end up with all kinds of things wrong with them....What about all the people that lived long lives never going to the doctor and then after they died there was found that they lived long lives with things people usally end of dying with... my answer... they didnt go to the doctor and just kept on living... I dont know... maybe im the stupid one. :))