View Full Version : Need advice

20-04-11, 22:32
hi can any one tell me if this is just my anxiety as im worring because of it as for the last few days ive been waking up in the mornings and my hands and feet go really clammy and sweaty and i feel really panicky and i dont know why and it keeps coming and going all day one min im ok then the next i feel overwelmed scared or something and when im walking it feels as if im abit drunk or off balance and ive never had this before with my anxiety and now again i go abit light headed can any one tell me if its just anxiety .also my HA has been really bad for the last 5wks and i cant seem to get it under control as i either call or go and see my gp nearl;y every day and its getting me down as i dont want to keep doing this all the timeso any advice would so grateful thks

20-04-11, 23:09
Sounds like Anxiety ,ive been like this too .Mornings are worse because the body produces cortisol when you wake .Underlying anxiety you have about your health is deep in your subconcious mind .The more you relax and stop worrying .The less it affects you .All sounds pretty normal for an Anxiety sufferer .Try some deep breathing thru your nose and out thru your mouth as soon as you wake up .you will calm down quicker .:)T/c Luv Sue x

22-04-11, 12:06
I feel like this alot in the mornings too, it takes me ages to leave the house as I can't concentrate on anything I end up faffing around double checking I've got everything about 3 times.

What really calms me down though is reading on the bus to work especially if it's something funny, it's a great distraction.
but anything that works for you as a distaction method might help x