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View Full Version : is my doctor lying to me??

21-04-11, 12:42
ok so i am very anxious about my eyesight ever since my son was born 5 months ago i keep seeing like flashing things or the coloured blobs u see after a bright light and i think they r flashing but it could just me be blinking so fast to see if they flash lol anyway my doc told me it was all down to my anxiety as i had an eye exam 2 months including a picture of the back of my eye and said everything looked fine but that was 2 months ago, do you think its just my anxiety ??

21-04-11, 13:06
For your own peace of mind why dont you go to your optician and ask for a thorough exam again including dilating your pupils even if you have to pay for another eye test. I was born with severe short sightedness and have cataracts and also vitrious detachement in one eye so have a lifetime of eye symptoms and I can say that serious eye problems like when I had a retinal bleed are obvious as you get a blind spot or area that does not alter or move. I was told the red flag symptoms for me were flashing lights at edge of vision when you move your eye especially in dark but would only affect one eye never both together and as I have had this with vit detachement it was def like bad fork lightening not just a did I see a flash type of thing. If its your retina then you get either a huge shower of black floaters/ like a curtain coming across your vision/ black hole that does not move in your vision than flashes different colours when you blink.
All of these red flags I have had and they are unmistakable.
I also get like everyone else little pin pricks of flashing light or shadow colour patches but these are nothing to do with my eye problems and just what everyone gets at sometime and nothing to worry about.

21-04-11, 13:07
Meant to say if you have any more questions re eyes then please ask as I did not want to type a great long reply if you did not need it

21-04-11, 16:41
Don't go to an optician go see an opthalmologist.

Any hospital will have an emergency walk in eye clinic so you can go there and tell them you're seeing flashing lights.

An optician won't be able to do a thorough enough exam, ideally you'll want a slit lamp test with a fully dialated pupil which an opthalmologist will perform.